Calling to account

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Montagu MP Richard Lightbourn has rightly expressed concern over the reported unaccounted ten million dollars in medical supplies from the Public Hospitals Authority and over the government’s ability to responsibly handle public funds.

Nonetheless we would appreciate Mr Lightbourn and his colleagues in Opposition enlightening us with respect to the position of the various oversight committees charged, along with them, with keeping the government “honest”.

Why is the Public Accounts Committee, which is controlled by the Opposition, not investigating the above mentioned PHA scandal, the $70m cost overrun at BAMSI and the Stellar Waste to Energy LOI matter just to name a few from the long and sordid list of government fiscal unaccountability?

When might we the broke, but paying public expect a report?

Would they also please advise when the next Auditor General’s Report might be available, and could we please hear from the Public Disclosure Committee although we have no doubt that due to the earlier public outcry our Honourable Members have long since covered their Honourable Asses.

Just asking………



October 8, 2014.


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