An insult by Dr Minnis

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Instead of substance, I see that Dr Hubert Minnis has done another publicity stunt. He rode the jitney then seemed to have his people take a picture of him getting off the bus.

In my opinion, he has insulted thousands of Bahamians with this stunt. Everybody knows that he’s one of the richest members of the House of Assembly. Rather than riding a bus to show that he’s one of the people, why doesn’t he use his money instead to set up a scholarship fund for poor Bahamians, especially from Bain Town?

Who were the people accompanying Dr Minnis on the bus? Was one of them carrying his briefcase? Did he then leave the bus and get into one of his luxury vehicles to head to his plush office?

It isn’t about where you came from in life, it’s about where your heart is now. There are many people who came out of poverty, but who don’t help other poor people. Then there are people who are well off, who spent their life trying to help the less fortunate among us.

As far as I am concerned, Dr Minnis’ stunt was insensitive and shows that he’s not authentic and real. Why doesn’t he ride the jitney all the time and not just when he’s looking for votes?



October 15, 2014.


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