Fix parenting to tackle crime

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The great push to stem the flow of guns into The Bahamas in an effort to reduce crime is comical, at best.

That our top law enforcement officials are reduced to the ridiculous summarization of this country’s horrific violent crime spree says something about the only direction violent crime can go. UP!

Eliminating guns from the hands of those who want them and are willing to pay for them is a fool’s errand. There are millions of ways that guns can enter The Bahamas. So long as there is a demand, guns will continue to enter this country. Period.

That the Bahamian judicial system continues to put violent criminals back on the street so they may continue their violent ways speaks volumes. The better question, the only question, pertinent to stemming the epidemic of violent crime and murders is; who raised these people?

Guns are not the problem. The problem is the utter breakdown in the family and family values. Parenting in Nassau seems to be a bad joke. The only reason for a generation of kids who have no respect for human life is a failure of parenting.

Continuing to cite guns as the problem instead of recognising the failure of parenting in this country only guarantees that nothing will change.

If the honesty or willingness isn’t there to grasp the real problem, than certainly there can be no solution in sight. Nassau’s murder rate places it in the category of an “armed conflict zone”.

Allowing violent crime to continue while ignoring the inevitable consequences it will also have on tourism, the only real industry in The Bahamas, is to throw this country back into the Dark Ages. 
Bahamas beware.


Mangrove Cay, Andros,

October 8, 2014.


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