BAMSI will open this month – despite building setbacks


Tribune Chief Reporter


AGRICULTURE Minister V Alfred Gray yesterday confirmed that the government’s new agriculture and marine science school will still open this month despite construction setbacks.

His comments came a day after FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis led the media on a tour of the North Andros construction site and said it appeared the government would not meet its September opening deadline.

Mr Gray explained that students and classes will be accommodated off-site because “bad weather” had stalled the pace of construction on the Bahamas Agriculture and Marine Science Institute (BAMSI).

The school is set to open on September 29, according to Godfrey Eneas, president of BAMSI, who also confirmed that 50 students have been enrolled, the maximum capacity for the programme.

Alternative arrangements have been made to house the students; however, it is unclear how many lecturers have been recruited for the project, or the scope of classes offered.

Mr Gray referred The Tribune to Mr Eneas for further details, but the consultant said he did not have time to discuss the project yesterday.

“We’re not planning to open on site because of weather conditions, which (caused) setbacks in construction,” Mr Gray said. “We have made alternative arrangements to accommodate students and classes. The classes will be administered in conjunction with the College of The Bahamas, meaning that COB did the recruitment of the teachers, in all of the disciplines, lecturers have been recruited.”

On Sunday, Dr Minnis called on Prime Minister Perry Christie to reveal the “master plan” for the research institute, inclusive of proposed marketing initiatives, financial aid for farmers and transportation of goods to various islands.

PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts released a statement yesterday that criticised Dr Minnis’ “clueless” criticism.

“The comments in the media today that were attributed to Dr Minnis and associated with his trip to BAMSI in North Andros on Sunday demonstrates that he is committed to peddling ignorance in leadership as he lacks a working knowledge of the policies of the government of which he is a part and wants to lead,” Mr Roberts said.

“It is a well-known fact that Dr Minnis is clueless about any plan to address the pressing issues currently facing this country, but is it asking too much for the leader of the opposition to educate himself on government policy, especially after several public fora were hosted to provide public education on BAMSI?

“The PLP government for its part under the leadership of Perry G Christie has boldly and fearlessly addressed all of the major issues facing this country and more specifically, the government is quickly addressing the vexing issues of food security, economic diversification and our outrageously high food import bill. BAMSI is the vehicle through which these national issues will be addressed.

“The delegation of agriculture and marine experts from the University of Florida endorsed the BAMSI’s concept and strategy and were impressed with how far the institute and its outreach programme had developed in such a short period of time,” Mr Roberts said.

Upon learning that the school will open this month, Dr Minnis yesterday said that raised further questions about the government’s plans for the institution.

“Are these Bahamian students? How did they do the recruitment? And since it’s a research institution where are the materials?”

“How are they going to commence in the middle of the month?” he questioned. “How is the school affiliated with COB and where are the laboratory facilities? Who are the teachers?”

Yesterday Dr Ian Strachan, COB’s vice-president for advancement, said a memorandum of understanding between BAMSI and the tertiary institution was still being negotiated to determine how the two entities will work together.

He explained that COB did not have administrative or management control of BAMSI.

“COB is offering degree and certificate programmes in partnership with BAMSI, namely an associate of applied science agriculture degree programme, among others,” Dr Strachan said.

“Once the requisite number of students have enrolled in the associate’s programme we will provide faculty to deliver the courses. COB faculty will deliver the courses needed when the time comes,” he said.


proudloudandfnm 10 years, 4 months ago

I'll bet anyone right now this will not be open on Sept 29th.....

SP 10 years, 4 months ago

What "bad weather" is forked tongue Gray referring to?

Delayed due to “bad weather” meaning it was too hot to work?

What is Alfred's definition of "open"?

GrassRoot 10 years, 4 months ago

I guess it is open already, without any windows, right?

concernedcitizen 10 years, 4 months ago

This is going to be like that thing they had last time in Andros that cost us the taxpayer about 8 grand a month per boy ,,Godfrey Eneas ,good lord .The ruling party can,t just take money out of the treasury b/c the opposition gets to see all finances ,so they dream up this sh@t ,some times i think it would be cheaper just to give Eneas et all a million when the PLP wins an election ..With in a decade this will be an abandon building ..

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 4 months ago

50 students??? What the....what kind of revenues can they ever expect off their investment. It's abundantly clear this project was spearheaded to line someone's pockets. We have no money and this is their plan? 50 students?

mangogirl01 10 years, 4 months ago

Too, what will these students do after classes cause there certainly ain no recreation facilities/entertainment on the sleeping gaint!

Kalikgold 10 years, 4 months ago

read books, go for walks, fish, do outdoor activities. stuff that the privileged city kids would know nothing about

Cobalt 10 years, 4 months ago

Yet another perfect example of the bungling, incompetent, unaccountable, failures of Perry and the PLP.

jt 10 years, 4 months ago

Great, I can't wait to see the 1,000 cascarilla tree plantation Gray has there.

asiseeit 10 years, 4 months ago

BAMSI must be another way to spell slush fund. How many times have they tried and failed to learn how to farm. I hope they will look out for the poor animals better than last time. Anyone with half a brain will understand that VAG is more interested in looking at himself in a mirror and getting rich than anything else. Your god will sort you out in the end!

mangogirl01 10 years, 4 months ago

Like Dr. Minnis stated, where is the master plan Mr. Christie or was this something you dreamt about while doing the shuffle!

themessenger 10 years, 4 months ago

Who will actually be doing all this tilling of the earth and raising of animals, Mr. Grey, Mr. Eneas, the 50 students or the faculty???? Or have they arrived at some compromise with our Frequent Flyer Minister Of Foreign Affairs and immigration to relieve the recent overcrowding in the detention center. The current generation of Androsians sure as hell won't be interested unless they're growing dope.

asiseeit 10 years, 4 months ago

They are going to get a bunch of Haitians to do the field work and then give them citizenship right before election so they could vote for them as well. That how they do it. 20 million dollars for 50 students, i mean the country surely can afford that, right? We are floating in cash!

BiminiHomeowner 10 years, 4 months ago

Maybe someone at BAMSI can teach Mr Gray why supporting the creation of a golf course in place of Bimini's few remaining wetlands is a bad idea, because he seems unaware.

SP 10 years, 4 months ago

We know for a fact Mr. Gray cannot be taught anything and is totally unaware that he IS unaware.

After decades in front line politics Mr. Gray cannot point to one thing of any national importance that could be attributed to him.

History will show Mr. Gray as a total waste of the tax payers money.

4Freedom242 10 years, 4 months ago

Bimini has been sold to foreign investors and Nassau is next, BahaMar will control how Nassau is run just as Bimini Resorts World controls Biimini.

themessenger 10 years, 4 months ago

Don't worry Bimini, be happy. Don't worry 'bout dem sharks, rays, turtles and 'tings like dat. Dem 'tings ain never ga make yinna any money, Freddie and Alfred ga send ya'll plenty Haitian ta mow yinna golf course. Ain you know golf course is what we tourist come here for?

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 4 months ago

Something is seriously wrong. There's no way they could have put forward a plan that said we're spending 20 million on a new school, we expect a student body of 50 students. It doesn't make sense. Now the developer doesn't care how many students end up there, he could very well have walked away with 10 million dollars on this overpriced project after only 3 months! Who wouldn't want that project? Who wouldn't want that for their friend? Especially if the friend was going to give them and their business partners 2 million each. What happened to all the foreign students who were supposed to show up? Something is wrong with these people. The same people who proposed placing new taxes on food and exempting gambling! That's just wrongheaded. One of the main problems is that they can approve these mega million projects without showing the Bahamian public that they have a well thought out plan that makes economic sense. They have the unchecked power to do anything they want within a five year period. That needs to change, seriously. There are many good things that can be done, but some are more important than others (BEC), and ALL must be done cost effectively, Mr Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Entire Cabinet. LEAD.

asiseeit 10 years, 4 months ago

Why do you think they will NOT give the Bahamian people Freedom of Information. So they can create slush funds like BAMSI. Can we as a nation really AFFORD the PLP any longer?

Greentea 10 years, 4 months ago

it's not just a question of the PLP - can we afford bad governance, political embezzlement of the country's limited fund and unchecked corruption- from any elected group? absolutely not.

John 10 years, 4 months ago

Sounds like anothrr (government) project that will cost the Bahamian taxpayer millions more than it value

themessenger 10 years, 4 months ago

Speak of the economics of BAMSI, take note of their projected cash crops with which they plan to alleviate the country's food import dilemma. According to Dr. Omar Thomas, our highly paid foreign agricultural guru, the master farm plan is to raise 20 acres of bananas, 12 acres of papayas, 5 acres of the Prime Ministers million dollar limes , 4 acres of coconuts and the raising and harvesting of fresh water fish and shrimp. They mussy gat pumpkin, bananas, peas & corn for brains.

asiseeit 10 years, 4 months ago

Speaking of our million dollar knee jerk investment in limes (someone used up plenty brain cells thinking this one out), limes are currently 5 for a dollar. How long until that investment gives the Bahamian people a return? Even if they are a teaching resource, how much per student did these precious lime tree's cost the people of the Bahamas? There are no words to express the wonton mismanagement of our money. The Bahamas is sinking and the captain and crew are ordering a 5 star meal to celebrate.

proudloudandfnm 10 years, 4 months ago

Bananas, Papaya, COCONUTS (WTF?!?!?) and Limes.

Does the PLP even understand what the term food security means?

They need to be researching if we can grow staples like Rice, tomatoes, corn, onions, green peppers.

What kind of dumb idea is this with papayas and bananas? PLP really are just stupid....

4Freedom242 10 years, 4 months ago

Carnival lovers know that BAMSI is another term for ASS...Bahamians are being taken for a ride. And it is very sad that we are now being forced to give them more of our individual, hard earned dollars, so that they can do more mess with it. Did they not consider throwing those millions behind the serious farmers that already work various family islands? At least they could honestly say they "BELIEVE IN BAHAMIANS". Very sad

Greentea 10 years, 4 months ago

except for the bananas that need a little attention - the other things grow pretty easy in the Bahamas pretty much on their own after the plant catches- even the bananas. they are already growing tomatoes, onions in Andros- in fact I was on the dock at Nichols town a few years ago and saw the best looking onions,tomatoes and other produce I had ever seen being crated and sent to the states. so Andros has potential to become a food basket- but will we let political corruption destroy the potential?

jujutreeclub 10 years, 4 months ago

GreenTea. Since when Andros was sending produce to the states unless the states is the produce exchange in Nassau. Those produce does not meet the standards for shipment out of the country, not because they are not of good quality, but for all the protection from disease entering the USA. Just like how we cant bring produce through US Customs in the states to the Bahamas, the same applies to those items. Remember, you can only carry cooked items from here to the US because of the same reason.

Altalk 10 years, 4 months ago

Thus is a disaster.. To many hands sturring the pot.. And every hand wants to add there special ingredients to it..

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