Casino operators

EDITOR, The Tribune.

It is incredible but it is real our two major casinos seem to have operators who might not be licenced under the existing Lotteries & Gaming Act as I have not seen any gazetted application, as is required, for the new named Casino Operators at Baha Mar (the group of ex-Sand’s Casino executives) and now more recently with Kerzner International gone from Atlantis whoever is operating their licence.

As both Casinos seemingly do not have a legally licensed Management, surely both Licences should be suspended until the appropriate and required due diligence is completed?

Can someone advise the public who are the legal licence holders of Casino Gaming Licences at Baha Mar and Atlantis – when were their applications published and when approved?

Congratulations finally to the long-waited Gaming Act although many will argue it simply did not go far enough to maximise the potential new revenue stream which is so desperately required to relieve residents and Bahamians across our country. And like Nevada there needs to be a strong Gaming-Casino Licensing Authority, possibly led by an ex-senior policeman/attorney who will ensure standards alike that of the US and global jurisdictions are maintained... I mean maintained not just talk but real.

Here we go again, Baha Mar has let the public down over its opening and now they scream we are better than Las Vegas, Macau and Singapore –Mr Sands for sure time will tell. In the eyes of most, Baha Mar has lost our trust.



September 4, 2014.


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