First impression

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I recently arrived at LPIA and instead of calling my husband to pick me up, as we live nearby, I decided to take a taxi cab. What an experience! When I told the driver I was going to Westward Villas, he seemed disappointed. After that, he appeared to be more concerned with me hurrying to get into the vehicle so that he could get back to the airport for another more lucrative fare and left me to lift my own bags. That was the greeting.

The cab door only opened from the inside and the air condition was not working. Thank goodness it was a short ride. The taxi driver was friendly enough and he started to chat. He told me that he was leasing his plate and had to pay the franchise owner $100 a day. I was amazed. How was he to do that in this economy? I now had some insight into why he was so flustered.

Something really needs to be done to improve the taxi cab experience. It was the first time in years that I ever rode in one. I just pity the poor tourists. I was taught that first impressions are lasting ones. What a first impression. I am afraid to think of what goes through the minds of tourists. Something really needs to be done. As a Bahamian I felt really bad stepping out of that lovely new airport into a rickety old cab. We need to help these guys.

Concerned citizen.



August 26, 2014.


asiseeit 10 years ago

Taxi and Jittney plates are given to the party faithful, not one mind you, some of these Cronies have many plates that they "rent" out. This practice should be made illegal. If you do not drive your taxi or jittney, you do not get a plate. Enough with the political corrupt crony crap! When you die your plate goes back to the ministry for another person to have a chance. Time to sort this out but we all know it never will be because these plates are used as POLITICAL coin. The country is the one that suffers due to this crap!

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