Troubles with simple language

EDITOR, The Tribune.

It is amazing how difficult it is for most Bahamians to write simple grammar. I cringe when someone tells me he/she wants me to read a letter from a government ministry.

I recently saw on a government invitation – which, as often happens, came after the event was over – the time of the event given as 12 A.M. I see that a lot these days – from a sign on the front door of a fast-food restaurant in Freeport to writings from other places that should know better: 12 A.M; 12 P.M.!

So Parliament is having difficulty with some simple language. If we don’t want foreign husbands of Bahamian women to be entitled to Bahamian Citizenship immediately they say “I do”, say so! We don’t want same same-sex marriage, say so!

For Lord’s sake, please don’t employ another foreign consultant to write that simple language for us. If a consultant is thought to be required, I can certainly do with a job! And if I find it too difficult to write it simple enough, I have twin seven-year-old grand-nephews who, I understand, are now beginning to write simple sentences – I’ll get them to help me!



September 10, 2014.


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