Were those workers needed?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I was much exercised by the recent Tribune headline informing us that Government workers were going on strike. My first reaction, naturally enough, was “How would we ever know?” but I dismissed that thought as unworthy.

The next day, however, the confirmation came, with the news that despite 161 nurses, 50 customs officers and “about 50 per cent or less” Immigration Officers not showing up for work, “hospital services continued as scheduled without any significant interruption ... Customs “was not negatively impacted’ and in the Immigration Department the strike ... “had very little impact.”

Does this tell us something about staffing levels in Government departments?

‘Sittin’ on the front stoop and cogitatin’


September 16, 2014.


asiseeit 9 years, 12 months ago

The simple fact is civil service jobs are used to BUY VOTES. Because of this practice our civil service is overloaded with do nothing freeloaders who could never get a job in the real world. This is just another example of how the Bahamian people are getting RIPPED OFF/STOLEN FROM. The government is broke and wants more of our money yet refuses to enact freedom of information and also refuses to cut/reduce spending. Guess Bahamians just like to be treated like slaves by their government, they think we work for them and we get nothing from them, they actually take from us, modern day slavery!

duppyVAT 9 years, 12 months ago

The civil service would work even better if we were to cut 30% of them............. the lousy, crooked, tiefin ones. Lots of the jobs can be outsourced for far cheaper than paying them.

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