Big Bang and The Bible

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Respected scientists around the globe theorise about how the universe began. The Big Bang Theory puts forth that there was some type of cosmic force that existed before the universe began.

At the beginning a small speck of matter expanded through unprecedented inflation (not an explosion) and all that was in it came to what we now know as the universe. That is The Big Bang Theory as explained by the Lambda cold dark matter model (accepted by respected scientists around the world).

These scientists don’t call this cosmic force “God”, but I call it God – The Almighty. My theory includes nothingness as the beginning of the universe. And nothingness was God. Nothingness created love; and love wanted something to love.

And so love created the smallest speck of matter that could ever exist at a fixed point in the universe. And that speck of matter continued to split and split and split until it expanded into what we now know as the universe. Scientific theory is basically the same as my theory except that there is no God before the beginning. The deity that existed before the beginning is called “some type of cosmic force”.

In my mind these series of splits of the speck of matter created explosions so great that matter was hurled through space at tremendous speeds. Scientists say that our galaxy (the Milky Way) is actually moving through space at 2.7 million mph and is on a collision course with the galaxy of Andromeda in about five billion years.

This fixed point (mentioned before) in the universe (as far as I am concerned) could be anywhere in space. But all of the universe started from that same position. And these series of explosions were so great that they generated galaxy speeds which are unfathomable.

How do all these scientific postulations reconcile with the Bible and the creation story? Well, I think the two can survive as “truth”, even though they are independent of each other. The Bible just tells a (believable) chronological story that children (of God) can follow.

And so, when you are asked how the world began, you can say that God began the beginning with a big bang, or you can go with the creation story, or you can say that a cosmic force started the beginning through expansion of a speck of matter. Bottom line – the beginning was started by someone.

So, whatever you choose ... may God have mercy on all our souls.



September 14, 2014.


Sickened 9 years, 11 months ago

The God that created everything and knows all that happens and will happen and yet plans and allows for his 'children' to be raped, murdered and beheaded. The same God that, we are told, needs to be worshipped, loved and feared. Why would a person worship such a God? Even if this God does still exist and watch over us, how could anyone love such a thing.

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