A man of substance

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Much ado has been made about Doctor Minnis’ speaking style and ability. That he does not speak powerfully or cause people’s heart to skip a beat by his eloquence. How short are our memories?

The Father of the Nation Sir Lynden Pindling stammered severely. He had to be taught what he could do, so that his speech impediment would be less of an issue.

Former Prime Minister Ingraham has a severe lisp that can still be heard in speech today and how he enunciates certain words – “vimen” comes to mind. In fact, when he first arrived on the national scene in leadership capacity I could understand very little of what he said. Yet he has learned to utilise catchphrases and quips to legendary status. Further, he has built a reputation as a leader who gets things done, one could argue of what he gets done but certainly not his productivity.

Then walks in present Prime Minister Christie who while in university in the United Kingdom developed and fine tuned his speaking and debating skills.

He certainly out of all Prime Ministers thus far has a definitive gift for gab. However, what do you say about his performance whether it be in leading a functional and productive or being even remotely close to good governance.

Today, Dr Minnis Her Majesty’s Leader of The Official Opposition, admits he is no great orator. However, has that caused him not to be successful in the business sphere or in the medical field?

For that matter, has it precluded him from being successful in politics; he is the only opposition member to increase his margin of victory despite the national trend in the opposite direction.

Dr Minnis has proven he is about substance. He is proven to be successful in business and politically. He has remained connected to the communities he grew up in “Over the Hill”; while others have left and in some instances pretended to have never been there. He has utilised technology to better connect and keep the pulse on the people he represents.

Dr Minnis is more substance and will produce for the country and remain connected with the people of the country as he is with his constituents in Killarney. Dr. Minnis will be a good leader and prime Minister for the Bahamas come 2017 or before.



September 28, 2014.


proudloudandfnm 9 years, 11 months ago


What a dumb letter.....

Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 11 months ago

There seems to be a nastiness about Minnis that most Bahamians (black and white) are unable to accept (nor should they). Also, it does seem that more and more Bahamians who voted for the FNM in the last general election now hold the view that Minnis's temperament is not suitable or appropriate for a leadership role of any kind in politics. Added to these negatives about Minnis is the fact that some within the wealthiest segment of the white Bahamian community believe, for whatever reason, that he exhibits certain tendencies in common with a bigot.

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