When Dr Minnis was undermining Turnquest

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Life is strange. I see Dr Hubert Minnis going around trying to call disloyal others in the party who have a right to express their views and who have a right to seek whatever office they choose in the FNM. He keeps talking about how FNMs should be ever so faithful to him personally as the Leader of the party.

Funny, that’s not what Dr Minnis and some others were saying or did when they were busy undermining and campaigning against Tommy Turnquest when he was Leader of the FNM. Back then Dr Minnis was all over the place campaigning hard against Mr Turnquest.

I guess what he thought was okay back then isn’t okay today because he happens to be the Leader for now.

Dr Minnis should stop whining and complaining about the democratic process in the FNM. Even the Founding Father of the FNM, Sir Cecil Wallace Whitfield, had his leadership challenged in the FNM.

In fact, he relinquished the leadership so another, Sir Kendal Isaacs, could restore unity to the party and give the FNM a strong foothold in parliament for the first time in 1982. Even the great Sir Cecil realised that the party and the country were bigger than him. I hope Dr Minnis doesn’t think he’s bigger than Sir Cecil.

Dr Minnis should stop acting like a crown prince. The FNM is a democracy. No one is entitled to any position. Tommy Turnquest didn’t play the victim when Dr Minnis was working overtime to get him out of his position. Dr Minnis should stop playing the victim now.

The FNM needs a good and transparent contest to see who is best to lead the party at this time, just as it did back when with Sir Cecil and others led the party. But it seems that instead of a vigorous contest for the leadership and direction of the party, that Dr Minnis wants a coronation and is vex that anyone would dare challenge him.

If he’s scared of a challenge in the FNM, imagine how he would carry on when the PLP really come after him. If Dr Minnis spent more time trying to be an effective Leader of the Opposition and less time trying to keep his job, the FNM would be in much better shape today.



September 28, 2014.


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