Tribune Staff Reporter
POLICE are investigating three separate murders after a man was shot to death on Ida Street yesterday afternoon, nearly 12 hours after another man was found dead with gun shot wounds near the Baillou Hills Sporting Complex.
Police have also classified the death of a woman who was found dead inside her Nassau Village home last week as a homicide. These deaths brought the country’s murder count to 44 for the year, according to The Tribune’s records.
The latest incident happened around 4.30pm.
Police said the most recent murder victim was doing repair work on a car with another man on Ida Street. A lone gunman approached the pair and fired shots, according to Chief Superintendant Paul Rolle.
“One of the victims who was struck to the hand ran to the next corner to seek assistance,” Chief Supt Rolle said. “The second male was shot multiple times to the body. EMS responded to the scene, where they pronounced the male lifeless.”
The other victim was taken to the Princess Margaret Hospital by ambulance.
Police are also investigating the death of a man whose body was found around 3.30am Monday morning.
Police, acting on information, went to a service road near the Baillou Hills Sporting Complex where they discovered the body of a man lying on the ground.
He had multiple gun shot injuries to the body and was pronounced dead at the scene.
The victim has been identified as 24-year-old Duval Watkins of Yellow Elder Gardens. Mr Watkins was “well known to police”, The Tribune understands.
He was also shot in the chest in October 2014, while walking through Yellow Elder Gardens.
Police are also investigating the death of a 55-year-old woman who was discovered dead inside her Nassau Village home last Friday.
According to reports, Doretta Rolle was found unresponsive around 7am. EMS personnel were called and pronounced her dead at the scene.
Police initially said the matter was unclassified, but after conducting an autopsy, the matter has been ruled a homicide. Sources close to the matter say results from the autopsy show Ms Rolle was strangled.
Police have a man in custody assisting them with that investigation.
Anyone with information on any of these homicides is asked to contact police at 911 or 919, the Central Detective Unit at 502-9991 or Crime Stoppers anonymously at 328-TIPS.
B_I_D___ 9 years, 8 months ago
30% of the way through the year...we are on target for 146 murders. This is GOOD...a week or two ago, that figure was 160!!
John 9 years, 8 months ago
Parents and persons who have family living in the U.S. Must now be concerned about what is happening with the police and black men in that country. Over forty black men have lost their lives in the hands of white police officers. The latest incident was in Baltimore when a young man tried to run away from police officers because he had a pocket knife on his person. The officers gave chase and after capturing the young man who did not resist he could no longer walk or move his lower body. They ignored his cries of pain and request for medical attention. He was dead within 40 minutes in police custody. The police had snapped his spiny in two. Now six white officers are suspended while the incident is being investigated. This comes on the heels of an incident where a 74 y:o sheriffs deputy shot a 43 y/o black man who was running from the scene of a police sting operation. The deputy who used a 357 magnum said he thought he was using his taser. He has now been charged with manslaughter. He got to carry the 357 because he is friends of the sheriff and makes donations, including weapons, to the force. Prior to this incident the sheriff and deputy had plans to visit the Bahamas? Was this trip also gun related?
B_I_D___ 9 years, 8 months ago
How many black men have died at the hands of black officers John? How many white men have lost their lives at the hands of white or black police officers. I think you will be alarmed to find out that the stats are not that different, but people only WANT to see and make an issue out of the white police officer killing the black man. What about the other side of the stats John...
John 9 years, 8 months ago
Since you know then you tell me.
Major_Pain 9 years, 8 months ago
Cobalt 9 years, 8 months ago
@John.... You really make readers sick with all of your black-man white-man rhetorical nonsense!
For your information...... I work in the United States for months out of the year! And many black gun shot victims and murder victims that are admitted to our truma center have been shot and killed by fellow black people; and in many cases black men are shot by black sheriff deputies themselves! I know this because we have to chart "cause of death" reports for the police's ballistic and the medical examiner's office!
Police shoot and kill victims everyday..... and likewise, private citizens shoot and kill police officers everyday as well. And it doesn't even make the news. We just lost a white police officer on Sunday to a gang shooting! As a matter of fact..... the Department of Crime Statistics has confirmed that of the thousands of black males murdered every year, over 97% have come at the hands of fellow black individuals (in the cases that have been solved).
Furthermore.... nothing about this story relates to race or what's going on in the U.S. So please stop using your misplaced sense of bias racism to spread your ignorance! Every story that the Tribune prints, you seem to have some convoluted racial assessment of things. You need to realize that intelligent people read this newspaper and are quite efficient at discerning nonsense! For God's sake, please take the shackles from your ankles! Either that, or confine your ignorance to that hollow space between your ears please.
John 9 years, 8 months ago
So since you presume I am ignorant biased misinformed why do you put so much time and effort trying to discredit so much of what I post. Everyone in this forum know that you are a raw born racist full of hatred and with a particular despise for Bahamians. Unfortunately for you, we are here! There are five or six instances since the Brown incident where numerous white police officers have been charged in the death of black civilians. One involves a Bahamian medical student. I challenge you to cite one instance where black officers were charged with killing someone white or even a black persons once then. The officer that killed the man with a 357 magnum should not be allowed into the Bahamas,especially since he is involved in the sale of guns and other weapons. Don't tell me there is no relation when almost every gun related murder in this country is committed with an illegal weapon, known to be manufactured in the United States. Prove me wrong. Otherwise bro back under your (white) sheet and sit small.
B_I_D___ 9 years, 8 months ago
It's only because a black officer killing a white man does not make news...what about all the other minorites, I am sure there are countless situations where incidents against hispanics are perpetrated in the SW USA...and vice versa, hispanic cops killing white or black individuals. The whole race thing just needs to get put to bed, it's only being perpetuated really by the blacks and the press trying to sensationalize everything.
John 9 years, 8 months ago
The issue is not whether a police kills someone, regardless of ethnic origin or color. The issue is when police wrongfully kills someone, to the point where the evidence of it is so great that charges are brought, of the Feds get involved in the investigation, or he persons charged are found guilty and sent to jail. Police deal with criminals, many who can get violent. That is why they carry weapons, and unfortunately sometimes they have to use them and take a life, the issue is not out that. the issue is situations like when a mom calls the police to help restrain her mentally ill son, who was just released from a mental institution and the police puts FIVE bullets in him. Or the young man who got his spine severed and died at the hands of police and they cannot say they stopped him in the first place must less killed him, or the instance with BoB Bates, who is a, gun and weapons dealer, who killed a man with a 357 magnum, (not police issued) then claims he thoug he he was using his taser. Them the instances we are talking about.
Cobalt 9 years, 8 months ago
I swear...... you're as stupid as they come. I bet my last dollar you're a PLP supporter.
How can I be racist towards blacks, when I myself, am black as tar? I responded to this particular post because its utter nonsense shrouded in ignorance that you are attempting to assimilate into the public domain under the guise of sense. Your initial post was completely irrelavent to the story posted by the Tribune. This in not America...... and it's not a matter of race.
When you post comments that are truthful and possess substance; I usually agree with you. In this case, you're way off base!
John 9 years, 8 months ago
you could not be black as tar even if someone poured gallons of it on you. You would still be red in the neck and blue in the face. Cobalt...a bluesish metal that turns extremely poisonous when heated up. You are hot at the moment and spilling poison..not black as tar (stop wishful thinking). My initial post was directed towards persons who have friends and family living in the United States where there is in an increase in persons of color, having harm done to them, when they are stopped by police. The intent of the post was for parents and family to alert their families and loved ones not to become confrontational if they are stopped by the police. I have my right to voice my opinion just as you think you have the right to voice over mines. You have no respect for anyone in this country and I challenge you to reference one single post where you stated anything positive about anything or anyone Bahamian. You are posted!
duppyVAT 9 years, 8 months ago
Are Bahamian police officers responsible for the murders?????? This a serious social dilemma going on now ............. drugs, guns, money, gangs, turf ..... and politicians .......................... do the smell test
John 9 years, 8 months ago
Last year 384 blacks were killed by police in the U.S. compared to 443 whites, there were 214 Hispanics and 14 Orientals. But there were also some 337 who were killed whose race was "undisclosed". Exactly what does that mean? While 443 whites were killed compared to 384 blacks you must also note that the white population in the U.S. Is seven times that of blacks. So in real scientific terms it means that 2,688 blacks would have been killed, compared to 443 whites, had their population been the same size. Remember a Bahamisn who was trying to qualify for his PhD and become a qualified doctor was also shot and killed while visiting family last year.
John 9 years, 8 months ago
Then how many of the "race undisclosed " killings were black victims smt
Major_Pain 9 years, 8 months ago
Most of those cases have the same thing in common: BLACK MEN RESISTING ARREST. Don't fight the cops, and they won't get shot. Simple as that. But you need to be concerned about Nggers killing blacks, cause that is clearly the main problem for Black America right now - not the cops. Where is the BLACK outrage in America over NGGERS KILLING BLACKS???
John 9 years, 8 months ago
The point is President Obama acknowledged that there is a serious problem with guns being smuggled from the U.S. into the Bahamas, the Caribbean and Latin America. Just like America is cracking down and protecting its boarders from illegal drug and human trafficking, the Bahamas must seek out and stop the source of handguns and high powered weapons getting into the Bahamas. Maybe it's time to begin scrutinizing vessels entering the country through our Western boarder.
John 9 years, 8 months ago
BREAKING NEWS: Bob Bates the deputy who is charged with killing Eric Harris with a 357 magnum and said he thought bae was using his taser is still coming to the Bahamas. The court has granted him permission. Should he be denied entry?
John 9 years, 8 months ago
Unless and until authorities make serious efforts to find out who is smuggling guns into this country we will continue to have these crimes. I am sure Cobalt is now writing letters to the Feds who have now taken control of the case involving six police officers who are accused of severing the spine of a 21 y/o man and causing his death. I'm sure he is telling them they are unfairly picking on those officers.
B_I_D___ 9 years, 8 months ago
New thread for John...pertaining to THIS story...not the USA...we have 44 murders in the country for 2015. How many were cop killings...either black cop or white? How many of the murders were whites killing blacks?
positiveinput 9 years, 8 months ago
Thank you so much, cause I was beginning to think I was log into something like the Miami Herald or the New York Times
John 9 years, 8 months ago
When you answer the question I asked you then I will answer yours. Otherwise I consider the matter closed.
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