What a joke, 2015 and this country still has not figured out how to keep the lights on! What sort of two bit, half twisted, banana republic do we live in? This is what corruption looks like first hand. The poor people are the ones suffering the most, you think they have a generator or solar power like our PM. How the hell are they going to cook, bath, sleep tonight? How productive will they be tomorrow after sweating all night? Lets not talk about the cost of blown appliances due to the power cuts. Anyone with a connection to BEC should hang their heads in SHAME!
They better get their act together before Cuba opened up to the U.S. I live and work in the U.S and at my job we have 4 layers of redundancy for power, we don't put more than 40% power on any of our Power Distribution Units in case one fail there will be another to take the place of that one until it is up. Our generators that feed them also have redundancy in case one fails, and if we loose power from the utility company we battery power to carry us until the diesel generator kicks in in the interim. My company understands that our customers needs their servers to be running 24/7, in the year 2015 the Bahamas needs to understand that businesses, hotels and residents expects the same thing. The residents may be stuck and have to live with it but some of the businesses like international banks, hotels and other service industry businesses could decide to go places where they don't have too deal with downtimes because of electricity.
1.45 pm to 9.15 pm without power!! At least we got to go to bed early, even if I am now sweaty. Thank goodness BEC got new those new rented generators, hey ? Surely nothing else can go wrong now..........BahaMar not even on stream yet, you say? Pish......easy peasy, we'll just cut off the rest of the island, so that our Chinese Lords and Masters can have all the juice they need.
Tired of BEC and their lousy excuses, apologies, reasons & explanations. This is 2015 and I don't remember power outages been this bad in the 60s/70s/80s or even 90s! Quality of life here is really going down. We need electricity for everything, and more of it. Just tired of the whole situation.
The power went off from around 3 pm yesterday. That's after being off from noon on Saturday until 5:30 Sunday morning. So we went out and came back around to find three of the four goldfish floating...dead. These fish are four and five years old and value between $300 and $500 each. Explaining it to children aint easy. But we couldn't help but wonder how the hospitals and other care facilities make it when power cuts are so frequent and so long. old folk homes. Patients on dialysis machines, respirators, having surgery, giving childbirth and power going off and on...more off than on..and this is just April. Temperature is already in the 90's and we have at least 5 more months of the summer temperatures ahead of us.
Those blackouts remind me of BEC in Harbour island back in the early 2000. As a police officer there it was miserable, hot and disgusting to experience that foolishness everyday. The tourist complained alot, not sure if its fixed yet, but hey, its was BEC
Kellys was closed for most of today as they had power issues. Getting a haircut was a challenge because the power was going off so frequently, many barbers did not want to start cutting your hair and the power goes off in the middle of it Seems like many people choose the food court in the mall to escape the sizzling heat and find something to eat as many people choose not to cook when current keeps going off
I think the people love it...90% of services under government failing..education, healthcare, justice, crime, road traffic (License plates) yet we still believe the government could do better. Bring in a private company and let us live with it. BEC is the biggest threat to our economy and the government sleeping on it. Hold a rally tomorrow people would be 'bigging' up their party so let them continue to suffer.
............................ Love it?...The people DEMAND it! .............................
Forty+ years of absolute political stupidity, blatant corruption, asinine political failure and the people still sticking wholeheartedly to their "tribes and chiefs"
There is no antonym for "punishment". White slave masters fooled Bahamian slaves and told them punishment was something they should learn to LOVE and Bahamians believed massa dem hook, line and sinker.
Bahamians must be the stupidest most passive nationality of people on mother earth.
Just waiting for Leslie Miller to advise Bahamians not to use so much electricity so that there won't be a problem. He recently commented on the capacity of BEC vs. the demand. Excuses.
Some people still think that these black- outs, at least some of them are because of the friction between Leslie Miller and BEC. But if you recall in the latter part of the FNM's term in office BEC's workers were coming around in the middle of a black-out and disconnecting your service. You only realized you were off when everyone's else's power came back on and yours didn't.
As much as I dislike Miller and his outright lies lets be honest and it is the fault of successive governments and lack of foresight in investing before and not after the fact. Having been in full time employment as a teacher I have seen horrendous misuse of money on schemes thought up over coffee by some unqualified jerk in the Ministry of education ,with no follow up and ultimate failure. This is repeated time and time again the latest being the BAMSI debacle. This is a very expensive destination and tourists and residents alike deserve a reliable power supply. Maybe invest the Carnival money into new generators and then later think about Carnival. The truth of the matter is that the politicians are financially secure and are after number 1 and their arguments etc are just to secure a well paid future.
Oh by the way Mr Miller where is the discount promised last year on our electricity bills if a customer paid on time ? and despite fuel prices being at an all time low my fuel surcharge is beyond belief.I forgot the corporation owes so much money that they cannot get cheaper fuel but I bet as oil prices rise so will the surcharge.
Third world rapidly descending to 5th world with our leaders who created all these problems saying they are the ones to fix them, Rather like a bankrupt business owner saying he will fix your business !!!!
Excellent points! Unfortunately we live among a mass of VERY ignorant people who still believe in the old political guard and who believe in promises. The vast majority of us are deserve this shit! We need to get rid of 'Majority Rule' and start a new movement called 'Sensible Rule'.
You are so on the money. But not only does it tell us about management, it also tells us about the excessive power BEC union has in New Providence. When last have you heard of industrial actions at BEC on the family islands. That's because most family island workers are part of the community before they are a member of the union. Their loyality is to their community first. In New Providence the union is about getting more pay, working less hours, getting more benefits and challenging anyone to stop them. No wonder we have a financially crippled BEC that is producing power to its maximum and still not making a profit..just like Bahamasair, ZNS, Water and Sewerage, BoB, shall we add Bamsi now or later today?
Those of you who keep harping on about Leslie Miller have Perry "Vomit" Christie laughing at you. Perry put Miller at BEC to take all of the "heat" (pun fully intended) that Perry alone should be getting. Perry, and Perry alone, is fully responsible for all of the problems at BEC and many other government corporations, departments and agencies. Like Hubiggity, Perry's win at all costs attitude toward his personal political career has our country mired in corruption and in dire financial straights. In any other civilized country today, the citizenry would have long ago been holding massive demonstrations on a sustained basis to topple the current corrupt Christie-led government. But first, the voters in each constituency need to identify and put forward the names of independent, competent, honest candidates who they are willing to support to serve them in parliament once the corrupt Christie regime is toppled. No one should be supporting anyone who has political ties to the PLP, FNM or DNA. These parties and the type of party politics they represent must be completely shut down by the people in order to rid ourselves of the cancer of corruption that has long tentacles throughout our non-productive public sector as a result of political appointees based on party loyalty rather than competence and integrity. 150,000 plus Bahamians need to descend on the Christie-led government at every opportunity to force a de facto overwhelming vote of no confidence. If need be, the Bahamian people should strongly agitate for the involvement of external forces and agents to effect the changes in government now so desperately needed to avoid the Bahamas being besieged by uncontrollable violent forces down the road.
I like what you are saying. But to get "150,000 plus Bahamians need to descend on the Christie-led government at every opportunity to force a de facto overwhelming vote of no confidence" will be difficult as we don't have that many WHITE people. Based on the RABL demonstration over the weekend, the most effected among us don't care enough to stand up and be counted. If ANYONE plans a demonstration to route out corruption or to show a vote of no confidence I WILL BE THERE!
This here is so racists : Are you saying that only white folk have the power to tell good governance? Perry Christie's biggest problem is he panders too much to cronyism. If he appoints some sensible, educated, business thinking (black and white) Bahamians to some of these boards maybe the country can advance forward, a little bit.
I agree with duppyvat nassau people are a bunch of whinning sissies , get off your ass and go complain , organize a march to goverment house , yell and scream at people in charge , in todays world there is no reason except very bad management not to have reliable power its not that hard . In freeport through constant pressure we have lower prices and reliable power . Get reporters to actualy do their job , and report this, dig in and find details and report it . get a bunch of bussiness together and threaten to sue the goverment and BTC for loss of income. cbut do some thing just dont sit there. some one said it was properly named BLACK out, he said whites would not stand for it .
For a government that is supposedly for the poor man and the "grass roots" they sure are putting hell on those they say they are working for. All that money in Urban was supposed to be used for the poor man but it has gone to cronie's instead. They can not give the people power, you think the rich man cares, he has a generator. VAT affects the poor in a much greater manner than the rich. Jobs, they seem to be only for PLP's if there are any at all. Banks downsizing full force. Whats their answer, a party, that they have spent millions on and given cronie's sweet payouts. Rubis report, under the rug, while poor people suffer. Bamsi, millions wasted and squandered on a great idea with zero management. Cronie's getting government jobs and not even having a business license much less paying national insurance. The Bahamian people get swing hard by these children trying to play adult failures. They are corrupt, have no morals or ethics and care about them and theirs, get that straight and this country might stand a chance!
I am fortunate enough to have a generator but pity the persons who don't and that's most of us. It is hot as hell and the misery index is high even outside of the heat.
Personally, I am sick of the excuses. Every year we go through this. A generator is down. The union or management 'doing us in'. Mr. Miller has an excuse for every time. Enough of the talk and just do what you were elected to do. We have have been crying out long enough. When will the Government stop pussy-footing and just deal! We do not need to march on Parliament. We need the Government to handle the business of this country - which is why they were elected. Prioritize please! Dispense with the who-shot-john bullsh** and deal! If you need new generators then buy them. Carnival can wait. Tell me, who wants to rush in the dark and heat anyway?!
The least BEC can do is tell us where and when they will be load shedding so that we can prepare ourselves (i.e. cook food, bathe, heat water, work from home, wash our clothes).
Yall Nassau peeps een ga do nuttin .............. even when Leslie shut all a yall lites off this weekend so the stadium and Atlantis cud have lite for the IAAF relays ........... das how fool yinna is .................... but keep on whining ............ I ga check out to see how much a yall ger be in Milo Square in da mornin ........... and while yall at it tonite, take down dat ole white queen when yall go downtown to celebrate black tuesday .................. BOL
I nominate Professor Felix Bethell to lead yall whinin sissy Nassau scary cats
The problems are obvious. Take Leslie Miller, essentially stole 26 million from Bank of Bahamas! Notice he's not in jail? Not the first thing he stole and got caught either.
Notice not a single PLP leader going after him!
The problem is obvious; it's one of perspective: we as the regular average people have the wrong perspective, and that's why we think there's a problem.
Look at it from the leaders perspective for a moment: They exist to steal, funnel money to themselves and their capitalist pig friends!. The method is simple, steal, and put on a dog and pony show pretending to try and better the nation, pretend to care about economy, education, infrastructure,healthcare etc etc, all the while try and make it seem as though government is struggling and even bumbling fools..... But notice how clever and sharp they are when it comes to stealing the nations wealth... they put world class criminals to shame. If they wanted to fix something they would, of course it might cut down on some of the funds available for them to steal!
So as far as perspective goes; just look at it all from their side, and you will see a great system, which works just as it's planned; except you're not a consideration and the jokes on you!
WORTH REPEATING: Christie has told Miller that no matter what it takes our National Stadium and hotels must have all the electricity they require during the IAAF Relays to avoid embarrassment for Christie and his government on the international stage. Miller in turn told Christie that this will mean his black crabs all over New Providence will have to be over-baked during the IAAF Relays. Christie's response: "Don't worry bout over-cooking dem black crabs - they gonna vote for me no matter what when da time come and they ain't fool enough to go crawlin' all over my National Stadium to cause a ruckus when they get too much heat to their heads during the Relays!"
What PGC and the potcake need to understand is this country IS an embarrassment. You think the international community does not know what is going on? They know that PCG and his band of kleptocrates are a bunch of sticky finger clowns. Perry is a running joke with his purple head.
Why should the people of the Bahamas not demonstrate outside National Stadium this weekend? Those of us without power, should carry our backsides over to the NS and express our disapproval. I'm not saying interfere with the relays but stand outside and peacefully demonstrate to show the world (there will be camera crews all over the place) the lousy way in which this government treats it's people and show this government that we won't take it any longer!
When it comes to VAT, why are we still paying??? We have everyday examples that prove the mismanagement of the people's money...and we keep giving them more to squander!
The crookedness is beyond belief people! Wake UP!!
People should demonstrate in front of the stadium this weekend, maybe then we will get action. Perry is so vain, he would have a fit. It would be a good slap that this government seems to need.
I hope yall Nassau people done iron yall clothes and ready to go party at the stadium ....... cuz Caesar gonna be there to tell yall sweet nothings and promise yall the world again....... he done shut yall up wit the empty promise of Power Secure to save the "new BEC" , so that yall wont have to demonstrate outside the gates of the Stadium and embarrass Perry and he boys in front of all of the world ............ Perry done swing yall whining cowardly carnival Nassau people again!!!!!!!!!! ................... have fun and sweat yur asses off................. BOL
asiseeit 9 years, 10 months ago
What a joke, 2015 and this country still has not figured out how to keep the lights on! What sort of two bit, half twisted, banana republic do we live in? This is what corruption looks like first hand. The poor people are the ones suffering the most, you think they have a generator or solar power like our PM. How the hell are they going to cook, bath, sleep tonight? How productive will they be tomorrow after sweating all night? Lets not talk about the cost of blown appliances due to the power cuts. Anyone with a connection to BEC should hang their heads in SHAME!
spoitier 9 years, 10 months ago
They better get their act together before Cuba opened up to the U.S. I live and work in the U.S and at my job we have 4 layers of redundancy for power, we don't put more than 40% power on any of our Power Distribution Units in case one fail there will be another to take the place of that one until it is up. Our generators that feed them also have redundancy in case one fails, and if we loose power from the utility company we battery power to carry us until the diesel generator kicks in in the interim. My company understands that our customers needs their servers to be running 24/7, in the year 2015 the Bahamas needs to understand that businesses, hotels and residents expects the same thing. The residents may be stuck and have to live with it but some of the businesses like international banks, hotels and other service industry businesses could decide to go places where they don't have too deal with downtimes because of electricity.
KeithBrooks242 9 years, 10 months ago
Cant be affected by something you are used to...
watcher 9 years, 10 months ago
1.45 pm to 9.15 pm without power!! At least we got to go to bed early, even if I am now sweaty. Thank goodness BEC got new those new rented generators, hey ? Surely nothing else can go wrong now..........BahaMar not even on stream yet, you say? Pish......easy peasy, we'll just cut off the rest of the island, so that our Chinese Lords and Masters can have all the juice they need.
sansoucireader 9 years, 10 months ago
Tired of BEC and their lousy excuses, apologies, reasons & explanations. This is 2015 and I don't remember power outages been this bad in the 60s/70s/80s or even 90s! Quality of life here is really going down. We need electricity for everything, and more of it. Just tired of the whole situation.
John 9 years, 10 months ago
The power went off from around 3 pm yesterday. That's after being off from noon on Saturday until 5:30 Sunday morning. So we went out and came back around to find three of the four goldfish floating...dead. These fish are four and five years old and value between $300 and $500 each. Explaining it to children aint easy. But we couldn't help but wonder how the hospitals and other care facilities make it when power cuts are so frequent and so long. old folk homes. Patients on dialysis machines, respirators, having surgery, giving childbirth and power going off and on...more off than on..and this is just April. Temperature is already in the 90's and we have at least 5 more months of the summer temperatures ahead of us.
TigerB 9 years, 10 months ago
Those blackouts remind me of BEC in Harbour island back in the early 2000. As a police officer there it was miserable, hot and disgusting to experience that foolishness everyday. The tourist complained alot, not sure if its fixed yet, but hey, its was BEC
John 9 years, 10 months ago
Kellys was closed for most of today as they had power issues. Getting a haircut was a challenge because the power was going off so frequently, many barbers did not want to start cutting your hair and the power goes off in the middle of it Seems like many people choose the food court in the mall to escape the sizzling heat and find something to eat as many people choose not to cook when current keeps going off
My5Cents 9 years, 10 months ago
I think the people love it...90% of services under government failing..education, healthcare, justice, crime, road traffic (License plates) yet we still believe the government could do better. Bring in a private company and let us live with it. BEC is the biggest threat to our economy and the government sleeping on it. Hold a rally tomorrow people would be 'bigging' up their party so let them continue to suffer.
SP 9 years, 10 months ago
............................ Love it?...The people DEMAND it! .............................
Forty+ years of absolute political stupidity, blatant corruption, asinine political failure and the people still sticking wholeheartedly to their "tribes and chiefs"
There is no antonym for "punishment". White slave masters fooled Bahamian slaves and told them punishment was something they should learn to LOVE and Bahamians believed massa dem hook, line and sinker.
Bahamians must be the stupidest most passive nationality of people on mother earth.
Sickened 9 years, 10 months ago
Don't forget to mention the black slave masters as well! It would be more accurate to just say slave masters and leave the 'white' bit out.
BoopaDoop 9 years, 10 months ago
Just waiting for Leslie Miller to advise Bahamians not to use so much electricity so that there won't be a problem. He recently commented on the capacity of BEC vs. the demand. Excuses.
John 9 years, 10 months ago
Some people still think that these black- outs, at least some of them are because of the friction between Leslie Miller and BEC. But if you recall in the latter part of the FNM's term in office BEC's workers were coming around in the middle of a black-out and disconnecting your service. You only realized you were off when everyone's else's power came back on and yours didn't.
OMG 9 years, 10 months ago
As much as I dislike Miller and his outright lies lets be honest and it is the fault of successive governments and lack of foresight in investing before and not after the fact. Having been in full time employment as a teacher I have seen horrendous misuse of money on schemes thought up over coffee by some unqualified jerk in the Ministry of education ,with no follow up and ultimate failure. This is repeated time and time again the latest being the BAMSI debacle. This is a very expensive destination and tourists and residents alike deserve a reliable power supply. Maybe invest the Carnival money into new generators and then later think about Carnival. The truth of the matter is that the politicians are financially secure and are after number 1 and their arguments etc are just to secure a well paid future. Oh by the way Mr Miller where is the discount promised last year on our electricity bills if a customer paid on time ? and despite fuel prices being at an all time low my fuel surcharge is beyond belief.I forgot the corporation owes so much money that they cannot get cheaper fuel but I bet as oil prices rise so will the surcharge. Third world rapidly descending to 5th world with our leaders who created all these problems saying they are the ones to fix them, Rather like a bankrupt business owner saying he will fix your business !!!!
Sickened 9 years, 10 months ago
Excellent points! Unfortunately we live among a mass of VERY ignorant people who still believe in the old political guard and who believe in promises. The vast majority of us are deserve this shit! We need to get rid of 'Majority Rule' and start a new movement called 'Sensible Rule'.
duppyVAT 9 years, 10 months ago
John 9 years, 10 months ago
You are so on the money. But not only does it tell us about management, it also tells us about the excessive power BEC union has in New Providence. When last have you heard of industrial actions at BEC on the family islands. That's because most family island workers are part of the community before they are a member of the union. Their loyality is to their community first. In New Providence the union is about getting more pay, working less hours, getting more benefits and challenging anyone to stop them. No wonder we have a financially crippled BEC that is producing power to its maximum and still not making a profit..just like Bahamasair, ZNS, Water and Sewerage, BoB, shall we add Bamsi now or later today?
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 10 months ago
Those of you who keep harping on about Leslie Miller have Perry "Vomit" Christie laughing at you. Perry put Miller at BEC to take all of the "heat" (pun fully intended) that Perry alone should be getting. Perry, and Perry alone, is fully responsible for all of the problems at BEC and many other government corporations, departments and agencies. Like Hubiggity, Perry's win at all costs attitude toward his personal political career has our country mired in corruption and in dire financial straights. In any other civilized country today, the citizenry would have long ago been holding massive demonstrations on a sustained basis to topple the current corrupt Christie-led government. But first, the voters in each constituency need to identify and put forward the names of independent, competent, honest candidates who they are willing to support to serve them in parliament once the corrupt Christie regime is toppled. No one should be supporting anyone who has political ties to the PLP, FNM or DNA. These parties and the type of party politics they represent must be completely shut down by the people in order to rid ourselves of the cancer of corruption that has long tentacles throughout our non-productive public sector as a result of political appointees based on party loyalty rather than competence and integrity. 150,000 plus Bahamians need to descend on the Christie-led government at every opportunity to force a de facto overwhelming vote of no confidence. If need be, the Bahamian people should strongly agitate for the involvement of external forces and agents to effect the changes in government now so desperately needed to avoid the Bahamas being besieged by uncontrollable violent forces down the road.
Sickened 9 years, 10 months ago
I like what you are saying. But to get "150,000 plus Bahamians need to descend on the Christie-led government at every opportunity to force a de facto overwhelming vote of no confidence" will be difficult as we don't have that many WHITE people. Based on the RABL demonstration over the weekend, the most effected among us don't care enough to stand up and be counted. If ANYONE plans a demonstration to route out corruption or to show a vote of no confidence I WILL BE THERE!
John 9 years, 10 months ago
This here is so racists : Are you saying that only white folk have the power to tell good governance? Perry Christie's biggest problem is he panders too much to cronyism. If he appoints some sensible, educated, business thinking (black and white) Bahamians to some of these boards maybe the country can advance forward, a little bit.
spoitier 9 years, 10 months ago
They all pander to cronyism.
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 10 months ago
It's really not about white or black anymore.
duppyVAT 9 years, 10 months ago
bigbadbob 9 years, 10 months ago
I agree with duppyvat nassau people are a bunch of whinning sissies , get off your ass and go complain , organize a march to goverment house , yell and scream at people in charge , in todays world there is no reason except very bad management not to have reliable power its not that hard . In freeport through constant pressure we have lower prices and reliable power . Get reporters to actualy do their job , and report this, dig in and find details and report it . get a bunch of bussiness together and threaten to sue the goverment and BTC for loss of income. cbut do some thing just dont sit there. some one said it was properly named BLACK out, he said whites would not stand for it .
asiseeit 9 years, 10 months ago
For a government that is supposedly for the poor man and the "grass roots" they sure are putting hell on those they say they are working for. All that money in Urban was supposed to be used for the poor man but it has gone to cronie's instead. They can not give the people power, you think the rich man cares, he has a generator. VAT affects the poor in a much greater manner than the rich. Jobs, they seem to be only for PLP's if there are any at all. Banks downsizing full force. Whats their answer, a party, that they have spent millions on and given cronie's sweet payouts. Rubis report, under the rug, while poor people suffer. Bamsi, millions wasted and squandered on a great idea with zero management. Cronie's getting government jobs and not even having a business license much less paying national insurance. The Bahamian people get swing hard by these children trying to play adult failures. They are corrupt, have no morals or ethics and care about them and theirs, get that straight and this country might stand a chance!
jackbnimble 9 years, 10 months ago
I am fortunate enough to have a generator but pity the persons who don't and that's most of us. It is hot as hell and the misery index is high even outside of the heat.
Personally, I am sick of the excuses. Every year we go through this. A generator is down. The union or management 'doing us in'. Mr. Miller has an excuse for every time. Enough of the talk and just do what you were elected to do. We have have been crying out long enough. When will the Government stop pussy-footing and just deal! We do not need to march on Parliament. We need the Government to handle the business of this country - which is why they were elected. Prioritize please! Dispense with the who-shot-john bullsh** and deal! If you need new generators then buy them. Carnival can wait. Tell me, who wants to rush in the dark and heat anyway?!
licks2 9 years, 10 months ago
My power was off from 11:00 am until 9:00pm. . .without a wisper from BEC!!
Sickened 9 years, 10 months ago
The least BEC can do is tell us where and when they will be load shedding so that we can prepare ourselves (i.e. cook food, bathe, heat water, work from home, wash our clothes).
John 9 years, 10 months ago
The fun about camping is you don't know what's gonna happen next #campbec
duppyVAT 9 years, 10 months ago
Yall Nassau peeps een ga do nuttin .............. even when Leslie shut all a yall lites off this weekend so the stadium and Atlantis cud have lite for the IAAF relays ........... das how fool yinna is .................... but keep on whining ............ I ga check out to see how much a yall ger be in Milo Square in da mornin ........... and while yall at it tonite, take down dat ole white queen when yall go downtown to celebrate black tuesday .................. BOL
I nominate Professor Felix Bethell to lead yall whinin sissy Nassau scary cats
Chucky 9 years, 10 months ago
The problems are obvious. Take Leslie Miller, essentially stole 26 million from Bank of Bahamas! Notice he's not in jail? Not the first thing he stole and got caught either. Notice not a single PLP leader going after him! The problem is obvious; it's one of perspective: we as the regular average people have the wrong perspective, and that's why we think there's a problem.
Look at it from the leaders perspective for a moment: They exist to steal, funnel money to themselves and their capitalist pig friends!. The method is simple, steal, and put on a dog and pony show pretending to try and better the nation, pretend to care about economy, education, infrastructure,healthcare etc etc, all the while try and make it seem as though government is struggling and even bumbling fools..... But notice how clever and sharp they are when it comes to stealing the nations wealth... they put world class criminals to shame. If they wanted to fix something they would, of course it might cut down on some of the funds available for them to steal!
So as far as perspective goes; just look at it all from their side, and you will see a great system, which works just as it's planned; except you're not a consideration and the jokes on you!
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 10 months ago
WORTH REPEATING: Christie has told Miller that no matter what it takes our National Stadium and hotels must have all the electricity they require during the IAAF Relays to avoid embarrassment for Christie and his government on the international stage. Miller in turn told Christie that this will mean his black crabs all over New Providence will have to be over-baked during the IAAF Relays. Christie's response: "Don't worry bout over-cooking dem black crabs - they gonna vote for me no matter what when da time come and they ain't fool enough to go crawlin' all over my National Stadium to cause a ruckus when they get too much heat to their heads during the Relays!"
asiseeit 9 years, 10 months ago
What PGC and the potcake need to understand is this country IS an embarrassment. You think the international community does not know what is going on? They know that PCG and his band of kleptocrates are a bunch of sticky finger clowns. Perry is a running joke with his purple head.
ED 9 years, 10 months ago
Why should the people of the Bahamas not demonstrate outside National Stadium this weekend? Those of us without power, should carry our backsides over to the NS and express our disapproval. I'm not saying interfere with the relays but stand outside and peacefully demonstrate to show the world (there will be camera crews all over the place) the lousy way in which this government treats it's people and show this government that we won't take it any longer!
When it comes to VAT, why are we still paying??? We have everyday examples that prove the mismanagement of the people's money...and we keep giving them more to squander!
The crookedness is beyond belief people! Wake UP!!
asiseeit 9 years, 10 months ago
People should demonstrate in front of the stadium this weekend, maybe then we will get action. Perry is so vain, he would have a fit. It would be a good slap that this government seems to need.
duppyVAT 9 years, 10 months ago
I hope yall Nassau people done iron yall clothes and ready to go party at the stadium ....... cuz Caesar gonna be there to tell yall sweet nothings and promise yall the world again....... he done shut yall up wit the empty promise of Power Secure to save the "new BEC" , so that yall wont have to demonstrate outside the gates of the Stadium and embarrass Perry and he boys in front of all of the world ............ Perry done swing yall whining cowardly carnival Nassau people again!!!!!!!!!! ................... have fun and sweat yur asses off................. BOL
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