Poor services to customers

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Can someone please explain? If your internet service and e-mail provider is down, how on earth can you send an e-mail, as a certain licensed provider suggests we do, when we have a service problem?

I see, we might call on the spirits, but try to send an e-mail and bless them, the provider, they promise to respond within 24-hours!

What are you to do in the meantime? Probably rev...rev...rev...-up for when the service is back up.

Another big gripe is lose e-mail on Friday, and you cannot get it reinstated before Monday after 9:00am! Why? You say you are ready...Problem I see you cannot provide service now 24/7. Imagine what they would do, if they have as many dropped calls as another party used to have and still does, even with the old fashioned fixed lines?

Oh well, yet another hopeless service we pay good money for and endure terrible service.

Now those banks, who do not want be modern and refuse to use e-mail, to send bills for as simple a matter as Credit Cards – any words for them! Please get out of the dinosaur age, even W&S send their bills by e-mail. Every month you are inconvenienced trying to find out what you owe, to avoid those unacceptable exceptionally high late payment charges, caused by the Bank and the inefficient Post Office, you could not get the bill. Constantly getting the bill 4-6 days after it is due!

Should the Post Office be privatised? Hell yes! As it is, it is totally useless and cannot deliver anything within a reasonable time.



August 13, 2015.


ohdrap4 9 years, 1 month ago

that is easy, send an email to this provider, using the same method that you use to call BEC emergency phone.

in the 20 years i have tried, no one answers the phone at BEC. i went there once and they told me the lady who answered was on maternity leave. by now, that child should be graduating college, but when i called this morning no one answered.

shortpants 9 years, 1 month ago

Any time this government in power no one works or anything .Everyone does as they feels. Hopeless Bahamas. God helps us all if we have to take two more years off this non governance. Time to make change before it's too late .

sheeprunner12 9 years, 1 month ago

That is why we must banish the PLP from power come 2017 ....... or DIE!!!

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