Tribune Staff Reporter
TALL Pines MP Leslie Miller lashed out yesterday at officials from the Bahamas Crisis Centre, saying the non-profit group is filled “with phonies, fakes and frauds” as he accused the organisation of remaining silent on violence against women in the aftermath of the brutal murder of a school teacher last month.
Mr Miller said it was a shame that the centre “was nowhere to be found” and claimed that no representatives attended the funeral of 40-year-old mother of two Joyelle McIntosh last week.
The Queen’s College elementary school teacher was shot in her head and body near a traffic light at the intersection of Parkgate and Village Roads on November 11.
Mr Miller first commented on the matter as a guest on More94 FM’s talk show “Real Talk Live”.
When contacted by The Tribune, he said he was extremely bothered by the absence of the Bahamas Crisis Centre throughout the ordeal, adding that the organisation was “just for show”.
Attempts were made yesterday to get a comment from Crisis Centre officials, however they were not successful up to press time.
Mr Miller said: “That Crisis Centre is a bunch of phonies, fakes and frauds. Did you hear a single word from them when that young schoolteacher was slain? Were any of them at the funeral? Matter of fact only two MPs were there.
“It seems to me like they are only concerned about women when they are physically hit or beat from their partners. But isn’t an act on a woman that ends in death the most serious it can get?
“What concern did they have for her? They were nowhere to be found. All they are is a show.
“Maybe they don’t see the death of a woman as domestic violence, but I do, and they should have been more vocal.”
Mr Miller said there should be a better show of concern over domestic violence issues given the numerous acts of violence against women this year.
According to The Tribune’s records, out of the 138 people killed so far this year, 12 were women.
Early last year, Mr Miller clashed with representatives of the Crisis Centre when they refused to accept his donation of $1,000. Mr Miller tried to make the donation in an effort to calm backlash over an earlier statement he had made in the House of Assembly when he said he physically abused an ex-girlfriend in the past.
In the face of criticism, Mr Miller walked back from the comments and said the remarks were a joke.
During Ms McIntosh’s funeral last Thursday, Mr Miller lamented the country’s crime crisis that resulted in the “senseless killing”.
The visibly frustrated MP urged the mourners to vote out representatives who refuse to do what is needed to stem the crime problem.
He said “gutless” parliamentarians carried the blame for the country’s crime problems.
At the time he said: “Where do we go from here? Why do we continue to let the carnage go on day after day? I’ll tell you why, because in Parliament, we simply don’t have the guts to do what is necessary on behalf of our people. We refuse to implement the laws of our land.
“It is up to us as a society, as a people to force your representatives to work for and on your behalf and those who refuse to do so, when you get to the ballot box, you have a responsibility to yourself, the next generation of Bahamians to do what is right. That is why you sent us there and if (parliamentarians) are not prepared to do what is right, you shouldn’t be there.”
Mr Miller said as a parent who lost a child to murder several years ago, he understood what the mourners were going through.
Three people, including a 17-year-old boy, have been charged with Ms McIntosh’s murder.
Bahamianpride 9 years, 1 month ago
Ridiculous, Crime had nothing to do with gender or abuse. It was an opportunistic crime committed by murderers without any gender motivation. Him and Wayne Munroe need to take some time to consider their logic on recent issues.
TruePeople 9 years, 1 month ago
For real! Dis bey is talking straight fool. What happen to him to start calling people at the crisis center names?!
From a guy who apparently jokes about beating women?
Aye, if ya ein got nothing sensible to say.... don't say nothing
GrassRoot 9 years, 1 month ago
I find it interesting how Miller abuses Joyelle's funeral for short term political gain. I can neither emotionally nor intellectually understand, that with what happened to the Miller family a few years ago, and with Miller being outspoken Citizen and MP, he has not been trying to effect real change in the Bahamas. He is not sincere, he works on a basis of personal vendetttas, and just loves to drop a hand grenade here and there to stay relevant in the news. His real relevance has faded a long time ago, he is wasting his talents being angry rather than pushing for real change in the Bahamas. he clearly has the potential to do so, but seems to allow his own little personal issues take the better of him.
Greentea 9 years, 1 month ago
Wherever he has been quietly sitting these past months, he needs to return ASAP. This is the dumbest, most retrograde, cave man thinking I have seen in the past 24 hours. Please shut up and go away Mr. Miller. The work of the Crisis Centre is undervalued in this country, and poorly funded, but those who have had cause to call upon them, work with them and for them understand the necessity of this space- that serves not only women, but also men. Add some zeros to that check, make sure it clears and hope they accept you for some training and community service. I think all ministers should volunteer a few hours a week at a social service ngo or other organization in the Bahamas.
sheeprunner12 9 years, 1 month ago
Let's talk real talk .................... how many of our political class is really relevant now???????
Emac 9 years, 1 month ago
Wow Tribune, what an interesting photo! You have demon no.1 rambling on with absolute nonsense and you can see demon no. 2 in the far right corner looking on! So where is Lucifer? I know he just got back from Europe recently, after lying to the world about his intentions.
sansoucireader 9 years, 1 month ago
Dear Media People: MP Miller is another one who loves the sound of his own voice and seeing his face in the papers and on the TV screen. PLEASE stop chasing after him and putting his rants all over the place. Thank-you.
sheeprunner12 9 years, 1 month ago
Agreed ................ BTW: is the Potcake still beating his sweethearts these days???????
Publius 9 years, 1 month ago
This is ridiculous
ThisIsOurs 9 years, 1 month ago
We like what he says when he says something we like (guilty), but this really confirms to me that he's not suited for public office. He's not in control of his emotions, his anger controls him. In that sense, he is no different than the young boy who escalates because someone stepped on his shoe. It's a very dangerous trait because literally, any irritant, no matter how small, can trigger a violent attack. And so off, I'm surprised he didn't see how odd this sentiment was, he's holding a lot of anger against the crisis centre to put these two together. It tells me he believes he was wronged in some way, which is weird, he's the one who laughed about beating his girlfriend.
DreamerX 9 years, 1 month ago
Whether or not he is using it as political gain, he makes a valid point. Absence of an organization at something that's publicized and follows at least some part in the organizations mission, should be noted and asked why.
Whether or not he is a hypocrite or a jack A if you will, does not relieve the centre of it's absence. People want to talk about the records of two clashing sides rather than the fundamental truth of the situation. An evil man has the ability to recognize good things.
I think Mr. Miller is a force of his own whether you like him or not because people can appreciate his absurdity over the smiles and political catechisms of more "respectable" politicians.
Emac 9 years, 1 month ago
Even Blind Blake can see this is a personal vendetta against the Crisis Centre. What makes it so wrong is that it is coming from a minister of parliament. This is the highest office in the land! As someone mentioned above, this was not a crime against women. If a man had been in place of the female victim that night, then this wouldn't be an issue. One can also question why the Bahamas Christian Council did not speak out. We can go on blaming all civic groups.
ThisIsOurs 9 years, 1 month ago
Huh? What does a random car jacking have to do with violence against women? Based on the information given to the public, this was a robbery, the robbers wouldn't have known if that was Perry Christie driving down the street.
If there is some information that Mr Miller has to indicate that this was a case of domestic violence, he should hand it over to the police and the crisis center. Otherwise she was sadly another random victim of crime in a crime ridden town.
ms_frustrated1 9 years, 1 month ago
Agreed 100%!
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 1 month ago
To accept a penny from this wretched scoundrel is to accept proceeds of crimes he has committed. Let's not forget that this imbecile received millions and millions of dollars from Bank of The Bahamas (thanks to Paul McQueeny and Perry Christie) that he has absolutely no intention of ever repaying in full. Miller has ripped off the Bahamian people to the extent National Insurance funds and Bahamian taxpayer support (e.g. Bahamas Resolve) have had to be used to prop up the otherwise bankrupt Bank of The Bahamas. This blithering idiot should have made his $1,000 cheque payable to BEC to pay down the many thousands of dollars he and his family owes for their unpaid light bills!
lazybor 9 years, 1 month ago
What? ridicolous...…" width="1"/>
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