Potcake the philosopher sends message from hospital bed


A message delivered to The Tribune by the son of street philosopher Potcake, thanking people for the support shown after he was injured after being hit by a car.


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE Tribune’s street philosopher, “Potcake”, is recovering from a reported hit and run accident in the Princess Margaret Hospital.

The 62-year-old, whose real name is Locksley Thompson, was injured in a traffic accident at the corner of Shirley and Church streets more than two weeks ago.

He suffered a broken hip during the accident.

After making a public appeal, he received a blood donation to aid him in a necessary operation, according to his son, Delon Thompson.


Potcake pictured before his injuries.

His son also told The Tribune yesterday that the people who allegedly knocked “Potcake” down waited for an ambulance to show up but left before the police arrived.

As for the response to his father’s call for blood donations, he said: “The support from the public was small. I met only two white ladies coming to give blood to my dad when I went to donate blood. He was successful in getting blood that he needed because of us.”

However, he said: “We are fighters. We don’t lay down and give up.”


ThisIsOurs 8 years, 10 months ago

Glad he is ok, sorry that he had a broken hip, that's one of the worst injuries you can receive when you're older. But realistically, Shirley street is very narrow, it's not meant for someone to be in the road with a truly overladen with items. It's obstructing traffic, that's actually an offense. This was almost inevitable, it's the second time that I know of in recent times that he's been hit. Hope I didn't sound heartless

ThisIsOurs 8 years, 10 months ago

Btw, I think it's amazing that he can write like that, it actually looks like a graphic typeset...

Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 10 months ago

This man has made a small fortune selling hub caps freed from their vehicles by the many gaping craters we have in our roads affectionately known as pot holes! His small fortune is a most serious indictment of our incompetent Ministry (Minister) of Works.

sheeprunner12 8 years, 10 months ago

What is a philosopher in The Bahamas???????????????????? ........... a homeless, jobless illiterate hacker??? ...................... or is this some kind of coloured joke by The Tribune???

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