EDITOR, The Tribune.
Following my viewing on television media a night ago, and listening attentively to the discussion on the impending fee hikes of Cable Bahamas products, and their services to the Bahamian public; I personally say no, to such raises, and, for many reasons: number one, the raise asked for by that company is too high, in these hard economical times; and now we have, yes VAT, which is a burden on many of our population here in the Bahamas, the cost of living continues to go up, and, the list goes on. Another point, and a consideration that Cable Bahamas should look into is that charges for Senior Citizens, be reduced to 25 per cent in all services.
To URCA this writer understands you are awaiting views from the public, so please, after giving careful deliberation, the request of a raise in charges to consumers, by Cable Bahamas be denied or lowered.
February 6, 2015.
DonAnthony 10 years ago
I emphasize with this writer but the truth is cable should have been allowed to increase prices long ago. The cost of basic cable ($30) has not increased in 20 years! Cost for programming and inflation have increased during this period so an increase is warranted. URCA mandates that on basic cable there must be a rate of return of 10.86%, cable has provided accounting and URCA agrees that they earn less than this. So based on the fundamentals cable should get this increase otherwise URCA will be violating and forcing cable to violate it's own regulations. As for vat blame our wasteful governments that is not cable's fault.
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