Stem cell research

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The contents are about the Stem Cell Research, etc. That is now an official realisation for our country, the Bahamas. ‘Watch D’ feels, and, without any political bias or/and without any specific political party commitment, that such a venture to commence in this country can truly be seen as a remarkable break through and achievement of the Bahamas Government.

For we all know that how advanced is this Stem Cell discovery, operation and application in correcting diseases, preventing illness, prolonging health; and, curing sickness that was at one time untreatable in all mankind.

Due to the Stem Cell discovery, the inhabitants of this planet may now live to a very old age, but yet maintain a younger and healthier body functions. This writer also feels it surpasses man landing on the moon and, any positive results that followed that landing; so Mr Christie should be applauded greatly and his Government given credit for allowing such a feat as a Stem Cell Research operation here in the Bahamas. It will open up a new and bright dawning for the Bahamas, its people or even the world, thus placing this country in a most admirable and envied position amongst the countries of this hemisphere.

Now in continuing my discourse on this matter, one knows that the medicinal value and treatment upon our sick and aging of this country will be unpassable.

Also tourism in this country would receive the boost it so badly needs. However, this writer hopes, that the Bahamas Government would swiftly put in place a mechanism whereby, the underprivileged – the aging, those who are sick and the poor in general, can also receive treatment, who otherwise are unable to afford such an expensive medical care from the Stem Cell application; and, here is where our Social Services can be utilised.

Now in my final input, and conclusion of this matter, there should be some guidelines initiated into the contract/agreement, and, which must be strictly adhered to, by all the parties concerned; Number one, no cloning.

There should be no killing of unborn human beings (the destroying of embryos), so as to extract the Stem Cell formula, and where there is a serious danger to the patient or donor, then, the Stem Cell procedures should not be administered.



January 21, 2015.


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