Miller: I’m glad to get the hell out of BEC

BEC Chairman Leslie Miller

BEC Chairman Leslie Miller


Tribune Staff Reporter


TALL Pines MP Leslie Miller said he is “glad to get the hell out” of the Bahamas Electricity Corporation as its executive chairman amid speculation that a new BEC board is to be installed by the end of the week.

According to well placed sources yesterday, a new board chairman and members are expected to officially be in place on Friday. This board is set to meet with BEC’s new American management company PowerSecure within two weeks, the source said.

However, when asked whether he was given notice of the changes, Mr Miller said he was unaware.

“I don’t know anything about them picking a new board yet,” Mr Miller told The Tribune, “as far as I know Prime Minister Christie has not selected anyone and I don’t imagine they will get to discussing that until about Thursday.

“But I tell you one thing I will be glad to get the hell out and go. I am tired of the foolishness at BEC.

“I have already spoken to both Mr Christie and Deputy Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis and they have agreed that I will vacate the post in about two weeks when the building is painted, renovated, and renamed.”

Mr Miller lashed out at BEC’s management saying the corporation in its current form lacked accountability, which has caused more than $250m in losses. 

He said around 50 employees were allowed to run their personal businesses out of BEC using the corporation’s materials and resources without consequences. 

“I intend to go back to BEC one day, but right now I need to go. There has never been any accountability at BEC, none whatsoever

“In 10 years more than $250m lost at BEC.  There are at least 50 people in BEC running their businesses out of there. One got a contract for $4.2m and stole BEC’s time, equipment and materials.

“We called them in and tried to bring consequences, but then they go to their higher powers. So what is a person like me to do?”

Last week, Mr Miller insisted that he will leave the corporation “when I want to leave BEC.”

He said while the time frame for leaving the corporation was left up to him by Mr Christie, he had decided to leave after the renaming of BEC’s main building after former general manager Peter Bethel.

Mr Miller said the renaming and preparations therein should take about three weeks.

Mr Miller made his statements hours after the government signed a Transition Services Agreement with American company PowerSecure for management of BEC. He said he hoped the new company would be able to curtail the culture of “slackness” that exists at BEC.


EasternGate 9 years, 6 months ago

Is this man's brain and tongue not on good terms?

TalRussell 9 years, 6 months ago

Comrade "Pot cake' Chairman, there ain't no need speculation that taxpayers will be happy see you make your BEC exit? Many us thinks you needs update we over, if you will be leaving BEC owing or not owing outstanding charges ya light bill?

DillyTree 9 years, 6 months ago

And I'm glad Leslie is our of BEC too!

Will he have to pay his bills now with the new management in place, or will it be business as usual? Wonder if they will accept cash in a brown paper bag too?

Honestman 9 years, 6 months ago

I am sure the feeling is mutual!

Mayaguana34 9 years, 6 months ago

Good bye and good riddance! No qualification to be there in the first place, abused his authority throughout his tenure and still has bills to the corporation he ran exceeding six figures. My only thought at this juncture is that he will still be exempt from paying his bills and probably has a sweet deal with the new managers. New company, advisor/sonsultant and all the xmas parties at Marios - #SMFT #git

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