Man shot dead

A man was shot dead last night in front of a home off Wulff Road.

Police reports say the victim was sitting on a wall with several males in front of a home on Peach Street when a man armed with a handgun approached him and shot him multiple times before fleeing. The victim was pronounced dead on the scene.

This latest killing brings the year's murder count to 64, according to Tribune records.


MaLambee 9 years, 7 months ago

Seriously, how uncivilized have Bahamians become and surly, no one is doing anything about this culture of killing that has overtaken society. What in the world is happening? When will it stop?

TigerB 9 years, 7 months ago

Can someone please tell me if there is a commissioner of police in this country or is he on sick leave!

John 9 years, 7 months ago

Yes unfortunately we may see more than 150 murders this year and I do not say that with an once of satisfaction or glee. You see because if we have 150 murders, it must also mean that we also have close to 150 murderers in our society. Killers who have tried and proven themselves since January 1, 2015. The assistant commissioner of police asked for persons with suggestions and ideas on how to combat this killing epidemic that has engulfed our land to come forward. Well I will say this for the umpteenth time: As long as more killers remain on the streets and in the society than those that are sentenced and locked away in prison, the killing numbers will continue to increase. We now have second and third generation killers in the Bahamas. Secondly, we must get into the minds of these killers and determine the true motive for their behavior and thirdly, we must modify or change that element of their personality. A caller to a talk show quoted a scripture to the effect that (because there is a man shortage). Six and seven women will go to the same man and say, "I don't want your riches or treasures, i will provide my own food and clothing, I only want your name (baby daddy) so I can be shameless (not become an old maid and without children). How much of that are we seeing in this country today? Men are fathering children left, right and center and many don't know who the children are. And many children do not know who their fathers are because the mother took a sacred oath not to tell them. And so many of these children (males especially) are angry. The feel like a bird that has fallen from a nest. These are the ones who will kill at the bat of an eye. Their fathers have eaten sour grapes and now the children's teeth are on edge. How are we going to fix that? You may have brothers killing brothers in this country and not even knowing they are related. The first murder committed in the bible was Cain slaying his brother because of jealousy. And as it was in in the beginning so is it now in these end times. The spirit of jealousy keeping company with the spirit of murder.

Bahamianpride 9 years, 7 months ago

Still need investigative journalism, Tribune do investigation and give us in-depth info. Many of these killings are revenge killings which needs to end. But we'll never get any true journalism to get the details as to why that person was targeted.

John 9 years, 7 months ago

There is on one stop gap, fix all solution to crime, especially murder. Investigative officers will tell you that leads to the killer will point in all different directions. Different persons become suspects while other persons are questioned and released. At the end of the day it is that one small detail or that one single stroke of luck that leads to the capture of the killer. And sometimes by the time the case goes to trail that one piece on evidence has disappeared. Sometimes it mY be a key witness themselves becoming a victim of murder or even refusing to testify.

FNM_Retards 9 years, 7 months ago


IIts FNM supporters driving around shooting people dead to make the PLP look bad.

FNM supporters trying to bring the murder count up higher than their RECORD of 127 in 2011. Cause since the PLP been in power there have been less murders (per year) than when the FNM was in power, until this year it seems. Believe this or dont believe it but the facts remain, there were more murders per year under the FNM. You can guess what it MIGHT be at the end of this year but so far it is still less than 127.


John 9 years, 7 months ago

So why don't you take your information to the police

FNM_Retards 9 years, 7 months ago

What information? Its called OPINION.

Chucky 9 years, 7 months ago

A few rich families in this country want every nickel; they're willing to do almost anything to get it, they're in bed with the politicians. The net resulting income distribution is a disaster. For young men, the future isn't bright even with a job. The young men who don't have / can't get a job, they have little to loose. Survive via a life of crime & murder. If we include MORE of the young males in productive society, allowing the hope of a brighter future, we would decrease the criminal population. Obviously this leads to discussions about improving education, diversifying the economy, getting rid of the organized crime between big business and government etc etc. One of the most corrupt industries that may have a large effect on the crime stats is the construction industry. A handful of wealthy Bahamians dominate construction to the point of starving out the small guys. Big firms pay locals lousy, some don't even pay according to law, i.e. overtime and holiday pay. This is an important industry to distinguish, as it has ability to provide decent incomes to young men who lack post secondary education. The corruption in the construction industry contributes in two ways to societies problem of crime: 1- When contracts are tendered (negotiated behind closed doors), the resulting artificially fat contracts go to "connected" contractors at the expense of other projects. As an example, remember way back when, the straw market downtown Nassau was "tendered" / awarded to a local big time connected contractor, for a whopping 22mil. Thankfully government changed, put a stop to this, ended up built for 7 million. Had that gone through, how many other projects would have been cancelled. 2 - concentration of work goes to a small handful of the "connected" rather than distributed fairly/honestly via proper tendering, the result, the dying of the small contractor, and a decrease in the number of jobs. Other industries have corruption, but construction has the ability to pay reasonably high wages & overtime and therefore offering a brighter future income potential to those who are otherwise challenged due to lack of education and opportunity. Clearly the service industry cannot provide a bright future to the masses, perhaps a few may excel, while the majority starve. Also to diversify the economy, and improving education may help the labor market, and therefore the young male. A large segment of the population left with little hope = trouble / crime. The ruling classes control and create the society, has so far, dodged the bullets generated from the same.

avidreader 9 years, 7 months ago

Unfortunately almost every politician will try desperately to avoid bringing to the attention of the voters the need to reduce the rate of reproduction in this society where there are relatively few opportunities for real progress and advancement for the average man. This unwillingness to present the unpalatable truth to the voters in combination with a weak and lost educational system that provides little guidance, must result in more unemployment, violent crime and social fragmentation. Just look to the south to a single island nation with over 2.5 million inhabitants to gain a reasonable idea of what to expect. Many young people are unable to compete in the real world and, out of frustration, turn to what appears to them the easy way out: a life of crime and evasion of legal and moral norms. Also, being geographically near to a major producer of firearms and violent films and television shows presented in a common language is not of great help in the fight against criminal activity and the mindset that helps to produce such behaviour.

jus2cents 9 years, 7 months ago

Talk about elephant in the room!! What the hell is wrong with The Hundreds of Churches here? They Have Forsaken Their Sheep! They need to address the crime issues every single Sunday, they get all sorts of Tax & Duty breaks from the government yet do absolute nothing in return that is ‘Really Tangible or Useful’ for the people. They just pontificate and stuff their fat tailored pockets with the poor and gullible people’s money. They are the truly despicably evil sinners amongst us, (Not the poor wayward child that gets his only comfort or guidance in life from a gang) Actions speak louder than words …and so why would they stop crime? It’s in their best interest for crime to be rampant, Crime pays for Churches, they make a lot money from crime funerals and counselling are pretty darned lucrative. The World Health Organization, says anything above 10/100,000 per capita constitutes an epidemic, while rates above 30/100,000 are classed as an armed conflict zone. THE BAHAMAS IS AN ARMED CONFLICT ZONE and now more dangerous than Iraq. 15 most violent countries in the world - http://businesstech.co.za/news/internat…

Chucky 9 years, 7 months ago

hey jus2cents

I might go one step further than you and suggest that it's time we all move past the fake and imaginary god worship dogma. Let's all get a grip, there is no god, there is no need to have churches, there is no point in giving them money so they can drive fancy cars and live in big house. And if there was a god, and you think he is good to you; given all that the "god" doesn't accomplish in the lives of others, given all the pain and suffering and death that the worlds children go through, the god could only be considered a total jackass and not worthy of acknowledgment much less any amount of respect, most certainly not deserving of worship, and why oh why would a "god" need your money. It's a total scam people, time to wake up!!!!!

Just imagine, 9 million children die each year before the age of 5, only a complete idiot would try and spin this into "god works in mysterious ways", and one would have to be completely brainless to believe this!

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