Onward together

EDITOR, The Tribune.

“Good things happen to nations that go independent at an early age.” So declared Mr Lynden Pindling to cheering Bahamians in the year 1969.

Today in 2013, as the nation (now in its 40th independent year) approaches its Quiet and Peaceful Revolution of January 10, 1967, its dying breath could barely be heard. Something, somewhere, went wrong.

The date, January 10, 1967, was one decided upon by the UBP, the governing party at that time, not the PLP, who won that election. Given the Biblical Intonement through the years of Bahamian election dates, it is fair, then, to include and infer that this date, which also has Biblical Inference, includes those who set it. That is the UBP or the Old Guard.

It would be wrong to leave them out of the context of the Bahamian in their Biblical Role. It is for this reason the concept of Bahamnian Awareness Movement, includes all Bahamians, regardless of colour and repels the concept of “Black Awareness Movement” as something that can have no real roots in the the real Bahamas.

The date, January 10, is the date God chose for the Passover Celebration. The tenth day of the first month also has excellent correlations. We, as black brothers simply cannot exclude our white brothers, as they are also a part of the Godly Calling. As a matter of fact, as it was those who set that date, it would seem that it was through them that the Godly Calling came.

There must be, there must exist, despite the errors of the past, a better way to view ourselves as Bahamians. We must see ourselves, as Rev Rex Major states in his Christmas message of 2012, “From Bethlehem to The Bahamas,” as one people. We must see this as a “ray of light” which includes us all, regardless of colour. We must resist the myopic view that would hold us hostage from getting all we can as Godly Bahamians.

We must overcome this matter, which comes, not from others, but from ourselves. To all Bahamians, have a blessed Peace and Quiet Revolution Day, January 10, 1967 to January 10, 2013.



May 22, 2015.


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