Tribune Staff Reporter
PRIME Minister Perry Christie yesterday said he was “stupefied” by the “arrogance” of some journalists who “presume” to make decisions for people, adding that those in the media who criticise his leadership capability can go “to hell”.
He also lashed out at calls from some in the media for him to resign and stressed that these critics were not in the trenches with him when he won eight consecutive elections.
Mr Christie lambasted the media as he spoke to College of the Bahamas’ journalism programme.
He stressed to the students how grave a responsibility the media has to report truth so that readers or listeners understand the information. He also urged the students to challenge him and the leaders of the two other political parties to a public debate, so they could determine who is the better of the three.
“The people who are now the journalists in our country are the people who have a tremendous responsibility to speak truth and to speak it in a way where the people who are reading the papers or listening to the stories understands the truth,” he said.
“Would it be truth to characterise me as somebody who is weak and can’t make decisions and can’t this and can’t that? Is that true? I’m in my 40th consecutive year of public life. Only Lynden Pindling and Roland Symonette in the history of this country have served longer than me...that’s how long I’ve been around. And you have to make judgments as to what that means. What is it that people should see or want to see in their leaders? Integrity? Yes. The capacity? Yes. The ability to balance? Yes. Could govern a Cabinet? Yes.
“But politics has somehow warped people and journalists who are political scribes aggregate to themselves a level of arrogance that stupefies me because they presume to make decisions for people. They presume that the position they are in gives them the right to say what exists and what doesn’t, but the devil is a liar and it is important for you as students to be able to have your leader’s ear and don’t be scared. Bring Minnis here, bring Branville here, Christie here and say ‘tell us what you believe in,’ and make your judgment. Ask questions, see who has a command of the country, who understands where the country ought to be going and who could speak to those issues. That’s what it’s all about. No rush to judgment, but judge everything.”
At another point during his nearly two-hour talk, Mr Christie blasted those journalists who have found his leadership style wanting and have called for his resignation.
“Bahamians do not write their stories and we have to keep on encouraging,” he told the students. “You are journalists. You are supposed to be writing and talking about how to get this country to know its journey. Many journalists don’t have the time for it. It’s better to say ‘well, Christie should resign.’ Well resign my foot.
“When I was going around Centerville, eight consecutive elections, none of them were there. When I was talking to the people who vote for me, none of the journalists were there with me. When I promised them I going do my best to help them, none of them were there. Their judgment as to whether I’m doing my best, to hell with them. It’s the people with the power, people whose aspirations are for a better way of life for themselves, and their children. You have the right to believe what you believe, to write what you believe. I must respect you for that. But respect me for what I’m trying to do.”
During the roughly two-hour session, Mr Christie also discussed also issues ranging from Family Island development, fires at the New Providence Landfill and improving health care throughout the country.
Mr Christie and his administration have come under heavy fire recently over a range of controversies including the handling of contracts for the Bahamas Agriculture and Marine Science Institute (BAMSI) and allegations that a senior Cabinet minister allegedly interfered with the course of justice.
ThisIsOurs 9 years, 12 months ago
He stressed to the students how grave a responsibility the media has to report truth so that readers or listeners understand the information. He also urged the students to challenge him and the leaders of the two other political parties to a public debate, so they could determine who is the better of the three.
Good job Candia, I think he gets it now
banker 9 years, 12 months ago
Sigh. It's embarrassing to have him for a leader. It's embarrassing to have the PLP in power again. It makes all Bahamians look as retarded as the PLP Kool Aid drinkers. It is sad to see a man who doesn't know what he doesn't know. What is even sadder is that a man like that is leading this poor country.
Publius 9 years, 12 months ago
And look at where he makes this statement, at an event for young Bahamian students. Commentary not even necessary; this speaks volumes all by itself
Sickened 9 years, 12 months ago
Christie's good simply is not good enough.
realfreethinker 9 years, 12 months ago
What a complete idiot. The pressure is getting to him,so he is lashing out at everyone. He goin stroke again if he dont ease up
jlcandu 9 years, 12 months ago
Fortunately, most of the young people of today are informed and more savvy than the old political stalwarts. COB students got a good taste of this poor excuse for a PM and will know exactly what to do in 2017!!!
asiseeit 9 years, 12 months ago
Right back at you Mr. P.M., right back at you!
duppyVAT 9 years, 12 months ago
Why does our PM always try to berate and tongue-lash others?????? Its a true sign of his false sense of right and wrong ....................... the poor fellow is delusional
Tommy77 9 years, 12 months ago
What a mess that guy.…" style="display:none">
realfreethinker 9 years, 12 months ago
general your boi is losing it daily. Cant you talk to him and the world would be a better place if both of you all just go away vanish. poof
SaltyConchy 9 years, 12 months ago
The 1980's are upon us again bringing back the image of a banana republic led by a quasi dictator that wants to stifle free thought and opinion. Time for his eloquent backside to step aside from politics altogether along with his gang of goons that should be occupying jail cells instead of Parliament.
duppyVAT 9 years, 12 months ago
Even Pindling was not as stupid as this clown ............ that is what he can best be described as ................... he is a egomaniacal fool.
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 12 months ago
This oaf is now so full of himself that he lacks the presence of mind not to worship himself in front of an audience of college students. One can only begin to imagine the embarrassment, disappointment and dismay these students must have experienced watching and listening to Christie demonstrate just how much of a pompous, arrogant, condescending, egocentric, looney-tune of a waffling buffoon he is. All of us, for the sake of the Bahamas, can only hope Christie's heart gives out on him the next time he tries to get it up with the help of Viagara!
ThisIsOurs 9 years, 12 months ago
Hmmm what exactly must the international community think of what is going on in the ?Bahamas?? Deputy Prime Minister-Renew Bahamas. Alfred Grey allegedly threats against a magistrate. Christie threatening journalists? Is this a strong man African nation?
duppyVAT 9 years, 12 months ago
May I suggest ............ Idi Amin, Ian Smith, Charles Taylor or Mugabe-esque???????? or Rwanda ??????? ......................... God forbid .......... remove the PLP stumbling block .......................... AMEN
themessenger 9 years, 12 months ago
General, they should put you Christie and Birdie together in the same padded cell where you could all share your common passion for verbal excrement.
realfreethinker 9 years, 12 months ago
make sure carry brave and gray with them. generalcrazy you are aptly named
thomas 9 years, 12 months ago
Jees, and look at Centreville, the fact that they kept electing him is nothing to boast about, show what you did in that community.
birdiestrachan 9 years, 12 months ago
Two of the leading print media has a serious BAIS. They lean towards the FNM Party who can do no wrong. To some of them the former PM is their Papa and to the others he is their Delivery boy. say what you might Mr: Christie has vision but I know papa's children will never see that. Mr. Christie is kind. The crazy General would know how to really cuss. But being the PM he a has to be care full because the media will have a field day with what he has said.
ThisIsOurs 9 years, 12 months ago
This is absolutely hilarious. "To hell with journalists" he said, while speaking to a group of young journalism students. You can't make this stuff up (as Tal says)
ohdrap4 9 years, 12 months ago
When he addresses the young doctors at the opening of the critical care block, he will say:
to hell with rich doctors
lol lol
sansoucireader 9 years, 12 months ago
As a former COB journalism major I was shocked when I just heard this on the 3pm news update. Then I had to laugh; does he realize those words could be just the encouragement these future journalists need to hear? He just lit the fire under them! Journalists must be doing something right if they've got him ranting and raving like some sort of lunatic.
Reality_Check 9 years, 12 months ago
Christie has lost it completely and he must sense so himself. He's totally out of control now and may even be dangerous to anyone who mocks, opposes or offends him in any way through the exercise of their right of free expression and/or speech directed at so controversial a public figure as himself. Dictators and tyrants have always demonstrated their penchant for clamping down on the fourth estate, i.e. the free press.
christee 9 years, 12 months ago
First he makes a statement that he "hopes the majority of contractors are PLP", now he goes off on journalist. Is this the kind of individual we want leading our country? President Obama gets criticized by the press all the time and much of the criticism in my opinion is unfair, but do we see him going after journalist? He is mature enough to know that by the very nature of his job, he will be criticized. Can't say the same for Mr. Christie.
John 9 years, 12 months ago
Remember that photo where hundreds of photo journalists had their cameras focused on Usain Bolt and he took one of their cameras and started taking pictures of them? A picture is worth a thousand words.
birdiestrachan 9 years, 12 months ago
He did say some journalist. some of them are very poor at what they do they are driven by hate, especially the Taut mouth one over at the other paper. Half of the time she does not even know what she is writing about. I think maybe she may be allowing you all Papa to write the crap she wrights. I give it a glance because I know what she is all about.
TalRussell 9 years, 12 months ago
Comrades give thanks Jesus - cuz unlike PM Christie, Papa Hubert had a long and cordial relationship with Journalists, particularly up on hill at ZNS. Oh them times, when Papa defended their bias political commentary, discussions and too damn deep inquiring questions. Oh no, not Papa, never losing he cool with journalists. Always the polite PM and Leader Her Majesty's Official Opposition Party, always maintaining his cool. Never hanging up on a talk show host's telephone call. Papa, he was such a gentle soul. Try asking his own damn cabinet colleagues how he would chew them out and in public?…
duppyVAT 9 years, 12 months ago
LOOK AT THE PHOTO ............... YALL SEE PERRY'S PINKY RING?????????? WHAT U THINK HE WEARS THAT FOR?????????? ........... HINT ............ AL CAPONE
greasemonkey 9 years, 12 months ago
What a disgrace as a Prime Minister, he should be above throwing insults like this in a public forum. Tragically we are back to the old days of corruption, political cronyism and gross inefficiency and he has the balls to talk about integrity and telling the truth.
getrightbahamas 9 years, 12 months ago
Funny enough, i tend to agree with the PM. But we all know that the Guardian and tribune are FNM leaning outlets. So what he needs to do is message control and stop depending on the enemy to carry his message to his allies. That said, This aint the first time he said this, nor ingram, nor LOP. But as i said, the media is biased and the PM needs to figure that out quick!
Alex_Charles 9 years, 12 months ago
I was there in that classroom this story took everything out of context. this is why media here sucks so bad. The little respect I had for the Tribune is now gone. first you fk up a headline by putting a picture of chief keef that you ripped off of facebook, now this sh*t.
I am in no way shape or form a PGC supporter nor do i think he's competent, but play the entire speech Tribune and give context instead of warping a message to fit your political allegiance.
Observer 9 years, 12 months ago
The nay sayers are just that; naysayers. Couldn't achieve an ant's meal, but are sorely critical of anyone who tries to assist with any thing that's progressive; Know ya hates that word.
crabman 9 years, 12 months ago
freedom of speech, for everyone
John 9 years, 12 months ago
Do you think the journalists gone form a party and run in 2017? Perry thinks the Journalists Party (JP) is to the FNM what the Tea Party is to the Republican Party (besides being a pain in the a$$ for the PLP). Perry Christie took a swing at the fourth estate and some think he scored a home run. Feathers have been ruffled.
John 9 years, 12 months ago
Yall say the man ain't had no balls. anyone wants ta play golf?
John 9 years, 12 months ago
One thing Hubert Minnis may need to do is make it patently clear what the official opposition's opinion is on national matters (especially as the silly season draws closer). While the DNA makes statements or sends out press releases on relevant matters and their position remains sterile, everyone else tends to gather under the FNM umbrella to voice their opinions. They sometimes contradict the FNM's official releases. There are some in the electronic media who are famous for this. They claim to be revolutionists. The problem with them is they have no particular goal or vision in mind. They just want to change things from what they are now. A man who has no vision is a dangerous animal. Even to himself.
John 9 years, 12 months ago
The good thing about my voters card is I did not register PLP or FNM or DNA or Independence (sic). When the time comes I don't have to even vote my conscience. I may just vote for the hell of it!
Baha10 9 years, 12 months ago
I am too patriotic to criticize our Primie Minister who I consider to be honest and dedicated to his function but unpopular by virtue of his style of leadership, which should be viewed as just that, style, not an indictment of the man's character, as he is clearly committed to building a better Bahamas, which is what we should "all" be about, not tearing each other a part in such a small Country, and to think I am viewed as clearly FNM, when in reality I am simply pro-Bahamas and supportive of whoever can make our Country the best little Country on the Planet, which I sincerely believe our Prime Minter is attempting to do and therefore worthy of our collective support, irrespective of party politics, hence a very much perceived FNM being prepared to support a much embattled and maligned Prime Minsiter for the sake of the Country and our future.
realfreethinker 9 years, 12 months ago
You cant be serious about this pm working for a better bahamas. Have you seen what he has done for his constituency he has represented for 40 years. Is that what you want for your country ? Yall better wake up before its too late. generalcrazy needs to take his head out of perry ass and see the real world.
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 12 months ago
You really should take a smell to high heaven!
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 12 months ago
You sure do smell like a Freddie Boy operative!
birdiestrachan 9 years, 12 months ago
The PM spoke for quite some time, the BIAS media took a smalls portion of his speech and ran with it. What else did he say? one has to admit that some who calls themselves journalist lack creditability .
killemwitdakno 9 years, 12 months ago
Just what IAHCR needed him to say.
killemwitdakno 9 years, 12 months ago
glad he realizes he's making a record ..can we guess he has goal ?
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 12 months ago
A shortened form of your excellent summary of what will undoubtedly be Christie's legacy would make for the perfect epitaph on his life in the eyes of generations of Bahamians to come. May I respectfully suggest: "Never has a single Bahamian caused more harm to the Bahamian people!"
VDSheep 9 years, 12 months ago
If politicians we elect are unacceptable; apparently they are it seems to most people. We ought to realize too - that it's our fault as voters, electing the same OLD retards of PLP and FNM. Not to insinuate the DNA would be any better. My dad used to say: You are an ass, when you believe politicians will make things better.
duppyVAT 9 years, 12 months ago
There are only a certain type and quantity of Bahamian who is willing and able to run for political office ................ and who have a shot of being elected. Unfortunately, most of them come from the bottom third of their high school graduating class (if they ever do) ........... and they are generally half baked lawyers
EasternGate 9 years, 12 months ago
I wake up morning with this song in my head, Everybody want to go to heaven, But the PM say Go To Hell!
proudloudandfnm 9 years, 12 months ago
Damn sicko you really losing your mind now boy. You still aint got a woman hey? Get off ya ma's couch boy. Go see what's outside and stop being such a waste of sperm....
proudloudandfnm 9 years, 12 months ago
Baha 10 (sound like Nathaniel P, a professional brown noser) you need a dose of reality. That post of yours applies to many people. Perry aint one of them though. You must be mad....
Baha10 9 years, 12 months ago
Country first "proud loud" before "and FNM", indeed if more had been understanding of HAI's style, he would still be PM, this is my point, we need to start "building" this Nation "together" instaed of "destroying" for sake of politics.
hadenoughofthecrap 9 years, 11 months ago
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