‘Minnis welcomed defectors to stave off coup’

Prime Minister Perry Christie

Prime Minister Perry Christie

PRIME Minister Perry Christie said yesterday that Free National Movement (FNM) Leader Dr Hubert Minnis only welcomed Bamboo Town MP Renward Wells and Ft Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins into his party to stave off a possible internal coup.

He spoke to reporters about both men joining the FNM a day after they announced the move in the House of Assembly.

He also questioned how Dr Minnis would deal with Mr Wells as a part of the FNM, considering that the FNM leader still had an active question before the House of Assembly regarding the controversial letter of intent (LOI) signing.

“Even though it may not be the best decision for the FNM, he wanted to make a decision to protect his office and his position as leader of the opposition by adding two members who will vote for him against Loretta Butler or any movement by Loretta Butler,” Mr Christie told reporters.

“So that’s an FNM, leader of the opposition decision, to protect himself and I didn’t want to say it there in Parliament at the time because I wanted to speak to the constitutionality behind it.”

Mrs Butler-Turner, the Long Island MP, lost her bid to unseat Dr Minnis at the party’s convention last year. However, a group of FNM MPs are said to still be dissatisfied with Dr Minnis’ performance and were reportedly plotting to oust him.

Mr Christie added that jumping ship is not new in Bahamian politics.

“There are others who tried the same thing and what happens is a party pays particular attention to them and we know that it is a mistake. You can’t one day say you are philosophically against the FNM – and the leader of the opposition has a question before Parliament now looking into the LOI. I don’t know how he is going to deal with that.”

In July 2014, Mr Wells – at the time parliamentary secretary in the Ministry of Works – signed an unauthorised Letter of Intent (LOI) for a $650 million waste-to-energy facility at the New Providence landfill.

Dr Minnis repeatedly called for Mr Well’s resignation over the move.

The crux of the controversy was that with senior government officials denying that they gave Mr Wells, a junior, instructions to sign the LOI, Mr Wells breached Westminster protocols by signing the document.

Mr Wells was fired as parliamentary secretary by Prime Minister Perry Christie in October 2014 after months of controversy.

Dr Rollins quit the PLP in June after months of lambasting the government and Mr Christie. He was an independent MP until joining the FNM on Wednesday. However, while he was a member of the PLP, he frequently clashed with members of the FNM.

Yesterday, Mr Christie said both men would see how the Bahamian people feel about their actions when votes are cast in the next election.


GrassRoot 8 years, 11 months ago

so Mr. Prime Minister, whatever happened to the Ruby mess in Marathon? Are people dying quietly now?

shortpants 8 years, 11 months ago

so vomit did you forget to tell the people you did the same thing .All you'll really think most Bahamians are fools, yes their are some fools but for the most part we have you on speed dial .RETIRMENT tired of you and your bunch of crooks. Nobody out here is getting anywhere with you'll. Black ,Broke and cant be Trusted. If these young men an women had jobs they would not be out here killing and robbing to get by. If you look all around just a bunch off young idle minds which the devil loves . Move off the scene and let the people have some hope that maybe someone else is willing to work for the good off the country. see ya

birdiestrachan 8 years, 11 months ago

I am not sure and I stand to be corrected by some one who knows, Did Mr:Pindling fire Mr: Christie? But I am quite sure of this. Mr: Christie did not join another Political party. Short Pants are you sure that persons kill and rob because they do not have Jobs? That is not true you have to do better than that.

Observer 8 years, 11 months ago

The ignorant will always repeat the history of indiscretion.

MonkeeDoo 8 years, 11 months ago

Pinocchio always looks like he has a load in the back of his pants !

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