UPDATED: Suspect in multiple killings caught - police search for 14 more

UPDATE 9.50pm: A day after his plea to Bahamians to help officers capture people wanted for serious crimes, Police Commissioner Ellison Greenslade said that the media's publicising of 14 men wanted for murders in the capital has resulted in some success, with at least five of the men - Jamaal McSweeney, Rashad Bethel, James Williams, Johnny Mackey and Kerrie Lightbourne - either being captured or surrendering.


Tribune Staff Reporter


POLICE arrested a 21-year-old man yesterday afternoon in connection with a number of recent homicides in the capital.

Assistant Commissioner of Police Stephen Dean said he is “confident” that police will be able to close a number of murder cases with this arrest. He declined to comment on how many murders the suspect is connected to or how long ago these murders were committed, but he said “all will be revealed very soon”.

According to reports, officers of the Selective Enforcement Team arrested the suspect around 3pm.

Police are also on the hunt for 14 men they believe are also connected with a number of murders in the capital.

Officers are searching for, Jamal McSweney aka “Chopper”; Aaron Neely; Coleman Edgcome Aka “Coldest” of Soursop Street; Sean Brown aka “Fire” or “ Fire Brown” of Rupert Dean Lane; Marckavelli Tinker also known as Mark Kemp; “TuPac” or “Macavelli” of Kemp Road; Marcus McKenzie alias “Juvy”; Kenrico Wright of Windsor Lane; Kerrie Lightbourne; Kurt Logan Ariste aka “Brats”; James Gordon of Winders Terrace;James Williams, alias “JJ” of Hay Street; Dwayne Davis, aka “Gup Gup”, of Grant Street; Jermaine Scott of Dominica Street; and Gibson Baptist of Golden Isles Road.

These men are considered armed and extremely dangerous. Anyone with information on the whereabouts of these men are asked to contact police at 911 or 919, the Central Detective Unit at 502-9991 or Crime Stoppers anonymously at 328-TIPS.


justthefactsplease 8 years, 10 months ago

It will be interesting to see how many from this list turn up dead before the end of this year.

hurricane 8 years, 10 months ago

In other words, they will pile everything possible on this one guy to make it look like they are solving crime. What a circus.

sheeprunner12 8 years, 10 months ago

The government just need to announce : WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE (with a bounty)....... and these guys will be dead by the weekend ............. just look at what France has done

asiseeit 8 years, 10 months ago

Look at how young these fellas are. I tell you if these guys had a proper education and a family that cared for them there is no way they would be on a wanted poster. Government has failed in education but Bahamian society has failed them in the family department. This is what you will get when children are having children they are incapable of bringing up to be decent human beings. Single mothers having three children for three deadbeat men does not help either.

SP 8 years, 10 months ago

All white.......all from the best private schools........ all facilitating bribery and theft internationally......all white collar blue eyed professionals..........figger that while your at it!


sheeprunner12 8 years, 10 months ago

Point well taken ................... we all know that white collar crime exists in the Bahamian public and private sectors ........... both black and white Bahamians

MonkeeDoo 8 years, 10 months ago

What colour are the Arabs ?

ThisIsOurs 8 years, 10 months ago

I think sheeprunner's point is, "they need help". We can't deny that they are all black, young and from the inner city. They aren't accidents either, someone in a suit targeted the most vulnerable people in our society and brainwashed them for their personal evil agenda. It's the same way the gaming people have the poor locked in their grasp with some even fighting for them! They tell them incomprehensible things like "we're offering you your only chance of entertainment" or "we're nation builders" because we gave away a few hundred thousand while we rake in billions from the people who could least afford it. Likewise these boys have been told "they have a family now" and "we're the only ones who have your back", these faces are no accident

sheeprunner12 8 years, 10 months ago

who took my comment off this page?????? did I offend someone by saying that the mugshots are all black, inner city boys who went to public schools????????

SP 8 years, 10 months ago

2 criminals stripped Bahamas wealth, ruined thousands of lives and destroyed the nation


John 8 years, 10 months ago

France declared that it is at war with those who have declared war (acts of terrorism) on its citizens. Hence they have pulled out all the stops. In the case of the Bahamas it is a case of Bahamians killing Bahamians. Young men, obviously misguided, losing their lives and freedoms, while those who hide in the background and instigate go free. The average age of persons being killed and being charged with murder has remained constant over the past 20 years (most in their late teens, early 20's). What does that tell you? the game ain't change but the players are changing.

sheeprunner12 8 years, 10 months ago

Who is pulling the strings (running the cartels) who these young black boys work for?? ............ why are young black men killing other young black men?? When will we ever be honest and speak truth to power???????????

ThisIsOurs 8 years, 10 months ago

Agree completely. All over the world you see masterminds targeting the most vulnerable people in society, the ones least likely to have hope of a good future. The Bahamas is a ticking time bomb. Somebody in cabinet with thinking power, vision and guts needs to address education, 70% single parent birth rare, the inner city squalor and the illegal immigration problem.

What we see today is a joke to what's coming if the most important thing on the agenda is Caribbean Music Festival, Carnival and Gaming. All elaborate schemes to steal millions off our backs.

SP 8 years, 10 months ago

.............................. Is this a rhetorical question? ................................

The captains of the ship for last 43 years are obviously responsible for running the country soundly aground.

Deadbeat and delinquent parents are not responsible for promoting failing students to the next grade level, creating policy, opportunities and jobs or running the country, thus cannot be blamed for failure of the state!

Politicians must accept full responsibility, and be held 100% accountable for the abject failure of the Bahamas.

Cobalt 8 years, 10 months ago

So in others words..... you expect the government to be responsible for these adolescence actions???

Get the hell outta here!!!

Every man and every woman is responsible for his/her own actions and inactions in life!! That's the problem with society today!! Everyone wants to blame someone else except the person looking back at them in the mirror!!

Get this rubbish of a post outta here, SP!!!

SP 8 years, 10 months ago

No defending your governments failure by putting YOUR "other words" in my mouth

Government IS TOTALLY responsible for educating, creating policy, direction and legislation that facilitate the leading to opportunities for its citizens!

Which of these responsibilities has YOUR government succeeded?

MonkeeDoo 8 years, 10 months ago

It would be very interesting if the Government or Judiciary or both would revoke bail for all people charged with serious crime or crimes with weapons. Put them back in jail and if we don't have enough lawyers to be magistrates put lay magistrates in the lower courts and temporarily appoint sitting magistrates to hear Supreme Court matters so that these young people can have their day in court and then settle into long term jail sentences. The French were able to get a boatload of criminals in a couple of days and I imagine our police could too as long as they could be kept up so. Too much bullshit in the Bahamas.

John 8 years, 10 months ago

When you look at what our consecutive governments made (chump change) compared to the resources (natural and unnatural) that they gave away, then you must really wonder who is pulling the strings and if the young men dying en masse in this country are only pawns on a chess board....fatherless children mostly and the offspring of mostly husbandless and defenseless women...

sansoucireader 8 years, 10 months ago

All look under 25, under 30 for sure. Should have released their ages.

ThisIsOurs 8 years, 10 months ago

Poor boys. If we get the men, the women will follow. Universal principle. her desire will be to the man. I'm not saying some of them may not be too far gone TODAY, but at some point in their life there was hope that they could be something else, they just didn't know it. For some, the hope is still there.

digimagination 8 years, 10 months ago

Just keep plastering their faces all over the place on a daily basis until they are all rounded up!

Greentea 8 years, 10 months ago

the poor are exploited in this country by governments and politicians and by the private sector and every evil drug dealer and gang leader out there. Who will be most affected by the usury of $10 bank fees- those too poor to maintain a bank account. Who is most affected by VAT? the poor for whom the cost of living increased while the chance of living decreased. Who benefits more from VAT tax rather than income tax? the wealthy- who then are absolved of their societal responsibility to be mindful of the well being of those in more challenging circumstances. Who are most affected by an inept educational system and poor social structures? the poor who can't afford QC if RM isnt working out. Who cant afford remedial classes if their children need a little extra help. And who because hurt people hurt, continue the cycle of violence against each other in so many different ways it is truly mind blowing. And then of course there are the people of means who exploit the poor for their nefarious desires, sex from young men and women, putting hits out on perceived enemies, wives and husbands, low wages and exploitative work environments. We talk a lot about absent fathers but I am sure I am not the only one who notice how many father and son teams are in business together and getting arrested and or killed. The presence of a father isnt enough- what values are being instilled in these young men? From the dead faces above, with drug addled minds, probably learning disabilities and no-one who truly gives a shit about them- including their gang - And sadly perhaps - not even their mothers- we are on a slow decent to hell unless we step up. Every time I see a young directionless, overwhelmed too young woman cursing out and beating on their children in public, you just want to scoop up the children and take them to safety- but they would probably resist you- because they want the love and attention from their mothers and fathers first, and they don't even realize it may never come from there until its too late. You can see by the nick names for these thugs- and yes despite of the reasons- that is what they have become- a menace to society- that they are living in a fantasy world. Complete zombies. Lets get these hitters, shottas, thugs, whatever you want to call them off the streets- but lets also work on stemming the tide of self destruction that gave birth to them.

Cobalt 8 years, 10 months ago

That's true to a certain degree, I guess.

But you've failed to acknowledge the fact that many of the poor are indeed POOR because of the POOR decisions that they've made in their lives!!

And I'm by no means saying that its all of them!! But it's far too many of them!! Especially the ones who are constantly complaining.

Bahamianpride 8 years, 10 months ago

People are poor because poor decision, or are they conditioned to be poor. Nobody wants to be poor. Many are not blessed with an environment full of resources including individuals with sound minds to educated them. If dady is a drunk who quit school in 4th grade and mommy is the same and u live around poverty and crime do u think it's a choice for most. Povety is generational for many unless someone gets a break or some person reaches in and breaks that cycle with knowledge or resources. Lets face reality the poor are exploited by the upper class and criminals. Look at the illegal webshops sucking the life out of poor communities exploiting the suffering with hopes of hitting the big score. Who your daddy and mommy is are the factors that determine whether u gonna be poor or not.

sheeprunner12 8 years, 10 months ago

I agree with Cobalt .................. poverty is not a precursor to criminality ........... people choose to become criminals ................... for the thrill, greed and lust for material things, power and notoriety .................. that is why we should not feel sorry for criminals (old or young)

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