International community rallies to support Bahamas after storm

These pictures show Royal Bahamas Defence Force Marines unloading aid provided by the US Government.

THE international community is rallying to support The Bahamas in the wake of Hurricane Joaquin.

A team of disaster experts is being sent to The Bahamas by Jamaica on Monday.

The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management is sending a Rapid Needs Assessment Team to help co-ordinate relief efforts.

The team includes personnel from the Jamaican Ministry of Health, Defence Force, National Environmental and Planning Agency, and the National Works Agency.

Jamaica has already shipped 50 tonnes of supplies to The Bahamas, reported the Jamaica Observer.

Meanwhile, the Royal Bahamas Defence Force has today been unloading 70,000lbs of USAID donated by the United States Government through the United States Embassy in Nassau. The goods are to aid in hurricane relief efforts to the islands affected by the hurricane.


Cobalt 9 years, 5 months ago

So let me get this straight...... The International community including Jamaica and the United States were needed to come running to our aid to lend their support, because our OWN Government including our Prime Minister dose NOT have a disaster plan in place in case of a natural disaster????????

But yet we have 12 million dollars to waste on a flippin carnival festival while our Prime Minister dances around and V Alfred Gray suggest that victims on the family islands seek cover in the surrounding caves??????

Did yall Bahamians actually vote for this government????????? Are yall Bahamians flippin serious????????

The_Oracle 9 years, 5 months ago

That the Bahamas Government has no supplies on hand is no surprise. They forgot that little "essential" while they were busy writing up the NEMA structure and Legislation and appointing political cronies. It was suggested to them after Francis and Jean how it could be worked between the Private/public sector but they ignored that workable suggestion. (and others) Government also tried to hijack private efforts as they had no action plan but the private sector were already on the ground just doing it. NEMA has already "suggested" to private sector effort organizers that they should call NEMA for press announcements when supplies move/go out. Gotta look good right? stupid stupid stupid. BTW,still want to know where the satellite phones given to the Government/Nema went. Shouldn't they have been issued at the start of hurricane season? Confirmed to be working at the start of the hurricane season? Collect them back in November and keep safe/secure. damned fools.

SP 9 years, 5 months ago

.................. Empty vessels make the most noise, yet may be filled .......................

Although all governments performed miserably in the past 25 years, It is imperative to be properly informed, particularly in this instance, before allowing emotions and ignorance to cause one to make ludicrous accusations. As peoples lives and immediate wellbeing are at stake.

As much as the P.M. deserves a good, solid, cow-cocking after 3 years of pure flatulence, his response to this disaster to date has actually been "textbook" and in accordance with established disaster mitigation norms. (who knew, right?)

The Bahamas are contributors to, and participation in CARICOM , can NOW draw benefits from "The Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency" (CDERA) designed specifically to address these sorts of disaster situations regionally, by member states drawing on aid stockpiled in "strategic states" i.e. Jamaica.


Educating ourselves is the only way to hold the governments feet to the fire and accountable in recovery efforts in the aftermath of the massive devastation caused by hurricane Joaquin.

Focus should now be directed to the administration of receiving, safe storage and simultaneous proper distribution of aid to benefit those in multiple affected areas.

This is no easy task with absolutely no room for the usual PLP and FNM goon games and nepotism!

stuartga 9 years, 5 months ago

If Christie is that clever why did his Government not respond faster with warnings before the hurricane hit, and why did his government effectively shut down Grand Bahama from 1pm Friday when anyone who looked at the National Hurricane Centre website knew by 11am that the storm had already turned and started the movement away from the country all sites had been forecasting for some days... And, by the way, where is all the support from the countries we have been cosying up to - e.g. China, Venezuela. No, good old Uncle Sam helps out again and the UK is sending a ship to help with disaster relief. It is your old friends you rely on yet again.

Victor 9 years, 5 months ago

Venezuela can't even help themselves these days. The whole country is going to Hell in a handcart.

BMW 9 years, 5 months ago

It seems the chinese are only in it for the real.estate and perry and his crew are in it for the$$$$$$$$. Its a disgrace.

johnmcntsh 9 years, 5 months ago

Everyone should give what they can to help out the people who have lost everything to this horrible storm. Your country is beautiful and your friends and neighbors need your help. Please give what you can to the charity of your choice.

gbgal 9 years, 5 months ago

Has anyone ever seen or heard about a Written Strategy compiled by NEMA as a step-by-step guide to deal with catastrophic events? As soon as you hear/know Hurricane season is here, you open the book to the first page to begin work on Step One! In the off-season, periodic training is scheduled to test readiness. Every citizen should be aware of what the procedures are...just in case. After all these years in operation with new buildings, t-shirts and talk, they still have to go looking for ways to get things done! Honestly, can't we get things right the first time? Thank God for caring people, family and friends, including the US and Great Britain. Not even satellite phones working in every island?? Not even constant warnings about the severe impending dangers?? Any Evacuation Plans for the far-off islands?? Thank you, Lord, for sparing lives!

jamaicaproud 9 years, 5 months ago

What about Jamaica boss? You all need to start loving each other and others.

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