Retire, Mr Christie

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Perry Christie is an affable man. He likes doing his version of the “soft shoe shuffle”. He reminds me of another leader from a few thousand years back – Nero emperor of Rome. Whilst Rome was burning Nero played the fiddle.

Does Mr. Christie have any idea of the catastrophic events which have and are taking place under his watch? A while back we had almost weekly scandals such as BAMSI, these however pale into insignificance compared to the two present disasters. One is crime and significantly both the UK and Canada have issued travel warnings to its citizens about Nassau.

The other is Baha Mar, where the government is clearly in cahoots with the Chinese to leverage Izmirlian out of that resort. Tourism is our life blood. Cuba is about to open up with its well educated population plus (and it is a big plus) a far cheaper destination. More bank for your buck. Nassau is now perceived as a dirty and dangerous place. All under Christie’s watch. We have concerned citizens cleaning up Bay Street as this government can’t even do that!

So what is he doing about it? He meanders on about his legacy, that would appear to be about his notable dancing skills, as at the moment it is quite apparent that he is a weak leader, devoid of ideas than platitudes. I do not know how many “smart” people are in positions of power within the PLP, but surely they know Christie has to go for the good of the country.

Ingraham and Pindling were hard fearless men who would make the tough decisions, the fiasco of Baha Mar would have been averted under their governance. The PLP have to make a tough decision - retire Mr. Christie for all sakes.



September 16, 2015.


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