NHI debate

EDITOR, The Tribune.

HERE are my comments and  contribution towards the National Health Insurance (NHI) issue.

My expressions and comments are always free from any political parties or affiliation, although this entity during general elections would vote for a party that he/it believes would better serve and govern The Bahamas and it’s people in a democratic, prosperous and most successful manner.

Now to the matter at hand. .. there is a saying, that “some action is better than no action,” so one should see it as remarkable of the government in initiating the process of rolling out the much needed plan (NHI) as all should know such a service was long overdue, for there were many delays, also much consultations was done, so it is time, as well as, the most sensible thing to do in moving forward, and implementing a National Health Scheme here in The Bahamas; then as may need be, make additions, adjustments or amendments as NHI progresses and moves forward for the betterment of this country, The Bahamas and its people; so I would say, well done, to the Christie administration for accomplishing such a feat as the National Health Insurance Plan and its implementation in this country.



March 28, 2016.


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