Political courage

EDITOR, The Tribune.

“Those are my principles. If you don’t like them, I have others‚” - Groucho Marx.

We want our politicians to be just like Groucho, because we do not like their principles, and we have a duty to encourage them to have others.

BTW - the etymology of the word (courage) comes from the Greek word (you guessed it!) meaning - courage, guts, spirit, spunk, mettle, pluck, nerve, heart.

Just carry on lifting up those political hearts out there.

Any time now, they will rise up out of the gutter to sidewalk level.



April 7, 2016.


birdiestrachan 8 years, 5 months ago

Dear lady, perhaps you know who is in the gutter, because you are right there with them.

themessenger 8 years, 5 months ago

Birdie, nice to see you pop your head out of your cesspit for a moment or two. Coming up for fresh air I suspect, something in short supply in the places you inhabit.

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