What next for Minnis?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

WHAT really are Hon. Hubert Minnis’ plans for the FNM?

He seems to be willing to risk losing out seriously by putting at risk the assured vote of the middle class and ex-UBP segment, of the sure vote of the FNM electorate, in favour of the grass-root exceptionally annoyed PLPs. Seems someone sold him of this theory that to win you have to get a 4-5 per cent switch vote from the PLP.

Is the CV he is putting over really accurate? His father was one of the Market Street merchants when the young Minnis was born...well established with his gas station. One could say Dr. Minnis was to an extent, certainly for a black Bahamian, born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

There is little unique in what we have heard from the Minnis side - the Urban Renewal of Grants Town through Centreville is as old as 40 years. What we are hearing from the #2 of the FNM, their finance man is laughable on aragonite, salt, crabs, etc. So we are going back to fishing village economics?

Since 2012 when did the FNM abstain from voting in Parliament? Certainly they voted for the 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 Budgets. So do not blame anyone else than yourselves.

Perhaps it is time that the Minnis’ people say what is really needed, to fundamentally improve the cash liquidity of the Utility Cost positive - the Accounts Receivable, money owed, have to be brought in line and customers start paying in full their bills starting with Government. Get Real Property Taxes paid in full - no discount for not paying.

Will the obvious breach of party loyalty, see the chances of a potential victory go by the side?

The PLP is not stupid - one slip and they will take all the advantages to win. If “Roc wit Doc” does not resonate across the electorate, watch for an early election in 2017. Baha Ma resolved or not, as today few expect any resolution soon, as they simply no longer believe the Prime Minister, so that is no longer an important issue.

Doc have you written your own epitaph prematurely?



July 29, 2016.


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