Why I support Christie

EDIOR, The Tribune

THERE has been much commentary regarding Prime Minister Perry Christie’s decision to remain as leader of the Progressive Liberal Party and the validity of his statement that he was encouraged to do so by the younger members of his parliamentary caucus.

For the record I support Prime Minister Christie.

I was one of the New Generation Leaders who approached him about remaining as leader. While my rationale was extensive, allow me to share a few noteworthy reasons which I expressed to him during our conversation:

  1. We needed certainty going into the general election and the country required continued political stability;

  2. While the PLP enjoys the good fortune of having a deep bench with a cadre of party leaders who are able to successfully carry on the baton, I was confident having spoken to many of the New Generation Leaders, that we did not want the distraction of a leadership battle or a split in the party at a time such as this, particularly witnessing what was happening within the ranks of the Official Opposition;

  3. The country had just gone through a rough economic period and as the economy and our financial position began to stabilise it would be unwise both nationally and internationally for there to be political unrest or uncertainty over the leadership of the governing party. He had guided the country through a financially perilous time with a steady hand but we were not out of the woods yet;

  4. He had made some very tough decisions since 2012 on issues which past Prime Ministers knew were necessary but didn’t possess the political courage or security to make. Namely VAT, Regularisation of Gaming, Immigration Reform, Review and Amendment of the Hawksbill Creek Agreement and National Health Insurance. The introduction of any one of these Agenda items could be viewed as a major milestone by any government during a single term, but to accomplish all required focus, strategy, courage and political will - all of which he ably demonstrated;

  5. As Prime Minister he had guided, advised and supported all New Generation Cabinet Ministers and I pointed to our successes at the Ministries of Finance, Investments, Financial Services, Environment, Grand Bahama, Youth Sports and Culture, Education as well as the transformation of BAIC. As a further indication of his leadership and support, I reminded him that many of us now sit at the head of various international organisations (Finance, Environment and Education).

I concluded by assuring him of my support and that, if he decided to stay as Leader of the Party, the overwhelming majority of New Generation Leaders supported him for the reasons I stated above.



July 31, 2016


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