Minnis unveils plans to tackle corruption

Dr Hubert Minnis with Dr Duane Sands at last week’s FNM convention. 
Photo: Shawn Hanna/Tribune Staff

Dr Hubert Minnis with Dr Duane Sands at last week’s FNM convention. Photo: Shawn Hanna/Tribune Staff

FREE National Movement Leader Dr Hubert Minnis yesterday released the details of his much talked about anti-corruption plan, saying it aims to restore transparency and accountability to the country.

However the plan was not detailed and revealed no new initiatives. Instead it only repeated much of what the Killarney MP has already presented to supporters.

Included in the plan are a Freedom of Information Act, term limits for Prime Ministers, a recall system for poor performing members of Parliament and a transparency in government act to ensure that funding allocated to MPs is utilised for specific projects.

Dr Minnis said a plan like this was needed to combat the damage done by the PLP government, which has sought to enrich supporters and cronies.

“Bahamians deserve better,” Dr Minnis said in a brief press statement yesterday. “They deserve a government focused on helping them and working towards making their lives better – not a government focused on helping themselves and their friends at the expense of all the people.  The FNM will enact tough, new anti-corruption laws that will bring about true transparency and hold government accountable to the people.

The FNM government will enact: a Freedom of Information Act that will make it easier for all Bahamians to have full access to the workings and the decisions of the government; the Whistle Blower Protection Act- to protect those persons who are willing to report illegal activities by those in government; strengthening the Prevention of Corruption and Bribery Act so that politicians are held accountable for any corrupt activities and term limits for Prime Ministers to ensure that no politician can abuse their mandate to serve the people by manipulating the levers of government to attain absolute power.

He added: “(In addition there will b) a recall system for poorly performing MP’s– to ensure that MPs faithfully serve the people who elected them; a transparency in government Act that will ensure that funding allocated to MP’s will be utilized for specific projects identified by their constituencies and make the Public Disclosure Commission independent and free from political oversight.”

He said the party’s goal is to return power to the people.

This can only happen through true transparency and accountability, Dr Minnis said.

He said the people deserve to know they have a government working for them, not working to enrich themselves. 

The Bahamian people and the FNM will work hard every day and in every way to give them better, Dr Minnis said.


birdiestrachan 8 years, 2 months ago

Roc with Doc has no plans at all, The man has no vision.. It is amazing how he has embraced Dr Sands *and Butler Turner the two who wanted to over throw him, Now they have become Best friends. . People will do well to be afraid of this crew.. .They are diabolic.

birdiestrachan 8 years, 2 months ago

Doc will do well to come with clean hands. he has not been doing well so far. I hope he remembers the man who was bringing him fish all of a sudden out of the clear blue??

licks2 8 years, 2 months ago

Birdie dear. . .you sure you want to go there? Lol! That case still in court ya know. . .transcript, video, phone recording and all! Remember Toggie and Bobo come out of the belly of the PLP. . .SHSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

Observer 8 years, 2 months ago

Hey, Doc...??? What about his property that he rented to the government several years ago? Remember that? Declare!

theplpsucks 8 years, 2 months ago

Oh believe me nobody can trust this PLP. We can give MInnis a chance. We already know what we have with the PLP and thats a country going to hell.

proudloudandfnm 8 years, 2 months ago

Pretty much a standard package of campaign promises. Bran promised these. Perry promised these. Ingraham promised these.

So we're supposed to believe the worst, most ineffective, failed leader the FNM has ever had will implement them?

Don't see it... sorry...

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