We accept apology of Mr Lightbourn

EDITOR, The Tribune

Mr Richard Lightbourn is our MP. He has assisted in the community of Kemp Road consistently and without any issues.

He is genuine, he cares about the people, he shows up to the plate when he is really needed and is very involved in the community.

The attacks against him are absolute foolishness to us because we know better.

He may not have said the right thing, or presented in the right way, but all of us know that there is a serious problem in this country, and we must do something to help these young women and men to be more responsible with their children.

Every Monday, Mr Lightbourn is at the free counselling clinic in Kemp Road with Dr Allen and he listens to all of the heartache and pain that his constituents are going through. He knows what the real scoop is, and just because he is white some people didn’t like what he had to say.

The reality is something must be done, and although what he said isn’t appropriate, or what this country is interested in, there are other things that can be done, and that is what we should be talking about.

We accept his apology as women in his constituency, and we know that at the end of the day, Mr Lightbourn will have our back - which is more than we can say about plenty of the people who have so much to say now.



August 2, 2016


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