A chance to clarify privilege


EDITOR, The Tribune.

The recent landmark ruling by Supreme Court Justice Indra Charles against Minister of Education Jerome Fitzgerald for leaking private emails in the House of Assembly sounds so familiar. It mirrors the screaming from the Republicans against Democratic front runner Hillary Clinton about her using her private server to allegedly send and receive classified emails. .

The FBI spelled out the seriousness about the emails, but while he stopped short of indicting her, he stressed how serious it was.

Since time immemorial, cowards in the House of Assembly used what they perceived to be an “above the law” privilege to be able to call anyones name, whether true of false without any recourse. They cowardly talked about innocent people who otherwise had no way of defending themselves. No one challenged them because we all thought that nothing could be done.

MPs use the “bully pulpit” to malign and impugn anyones character with the full approval of all MPs. No political party is immune from these criticisms.

One would wonder, where is the line drawn between the MP destroying a person’s character and proper and just renumeration for the unassuming victim.

Some MPs believe that they can hide under the gown tail of the parliament to launch their vicious attacks. I wondered who would put a stop to this. I often ask, who is looking out for the weak, when the politically powerful can do whatever they wish without any repercussion whatsoever. What kind of country is this? Too much advantage has already been taken.

This is epic! We have turned the corner where the bulldozer is making an attempt to levelling the playing field. I am sure there will some hard rock to break up, but the tractor must continue grading the ground.

Not all politicians are guilty of actually saying it, but those who pretend to have high morality, cannot object to “all men are created equal!” Where is the golden rule?

Both parties are guilty either by commission or omission.

The fact that the powerful and politically connected can do what they wish and nothing happens and the ordinary people are picked up for trivial matters and made to suffer are some of the reasons why there is such a serious rebellion on the streets right now.

We could bury our heads in the sand all we wish and pretend that none of the things mentioned above does not exist, the harvest that we will reap will be very sour.

We have an opportunity to begin to make some correction now.

A word to the wise is sufficient.

My fear of God, strengthens me.




August 14, 2016.


Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 1 month ago

These two (Mitchell & Fitzgerald) are nothing but dufus (doofus) quacks of the same feather who foolishly believe they are above the law by virtue of simply being parliamentarians. They both lack the character and intellectual ability to perceive right from wrong, but sadly were capable of pulling the wool over the eyes of their respective constituents in the last general election. The next general election will be an entirely different story for both of these unworthy imbeciles! As for the evil embodied in the Wicked Witch of the West (Allyson Maynard-Gibson), her day of reckoning (like that of Bag Man Baltron Bethel) can't be too far off now.

Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 1 month ago

Toxic Fumes Fitz was not sitting in an official session of parliament at the time he illegally obtained the private emails ergo he had no parliamentary privilege at the time he committed the illegal act that later caused the damages for which he was ordered to pay restitution of $150,000. Toxic Fumes Fitz was adjudged to know full well that the revelations he made in parliament were rooted in emails wrongfully obtained by him outside of parliament. The Judge ruled correctly and more than fairly in this matter. In fact many were surprised the Judge did not seem to award the Save the Bays' legal costs against Toxic Fumes Fitz. Not unexpectedly, our buffoons in parliament now want to attack the integrity of the Judge in anyway they believe serves their own selfish interests as opposed to the interests of the Bahamian people under the Constitution of the Bahamas. What a joke!

BMW 8 years, 1 month ago

Fume and Fly away are acting like children, the High Court has issued its decision they should be man(???????) enough to live with it. Instead they attack it, I hope they see the light some day. So sad that supposed grown men cannot see that it is a privilege to SERVE the people of the Bahamas net an ENTITLEMENT!!!!!

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