Responsible parenting

EDITOR, The Tribune

NOW THAT we have accepted that women are free to have as many children as they wish or they can bear, and we have excoriated the hapless Richard Lightbourn for his unwise, unfortunate and offensive remarks at the FNM Convention last week, perhaps we can use some of that passion positively to effect change to a problem which we have been ignoring for decades - responsible parenting.

I suggest that we take the opportunity while the topic is fresh on our minds to consider several aspects of this problem including:

  1. Finding a way to censure men who spread their seed indiscriminately and then ignore the fruit of their loins.

  2. Giving consideration to having stiffer penalties for fathers who do not maintain their children and ignore maintenance orders from the courts.

  3. Being more diligent in prosecuting more men who impregnate underaged girls (in this connection facilitators should also be included).

  4. Giving consideration to a less humiliating and more effective way for mothers to enforce maintenance orders.

  5. Having judges experienced and knowledgeable in family law hearing family matters.




August 4, 2016.


jackbnimble 8 years, 1 month ago

These suggestions will be ignored but I agree.

Sickened 8 years, 1 month ago

Agreed. But, do you have any 'considerations' for the mothers who now have sex in the parking lot of bars in exchange for 1 beer (they used to ask for $10)? And for those teenage girls and grown women who use their pregnancy to 'trap' men into paying support or getting married by claiming that the kid is theirs when it's not?

The men and women in our country need to do A LOT better. Both sexes have caveman mentality when it comes to sex and child rearing. Many of our Bahamian children are like our potcakes - where we only love them when they are babies or when they are doing something for the family.

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