Wrong to apologise

EDITOR, The Tribune

THE haste with which Mr Richard Lightbourn retracted his statements regarding ‘tubal ligations’ was unwarranted and so are the attempts to eviscerate him in the media.

It is clear to me that his detractors completely missed the premise of his statements. Who among those championing ‘women’s rights’ would deny that there are responsibilities associated with those and all ‘rights’?

It is those dalliances with multiple partners producing multiple neglected children in households that can ill afford them that was the focus of Mr Lightbourn’s argument, if I am not mistaken.

Giving a person who considers themselves an adult ‘rights’ does not make them responsible. The state constantly takes away certain ‘rights’ of individuals when laws are violated.

The seeds of criminality are sown in homes where children are neglected and abused emotionally and not provided for materially. Virtues cannot be inculcated into impressionable children by adults who have none. It is these consequences of sexual irresponsibillity that may need the states ‘guidance’.

Mr Lightbourn should not have apologised for his remarks, in my opinion, but should have used the uproar created to draw attention to the real and vexing problem of social decay caused by sexually irresponsible adults.



August 4, 20126


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