Who has a right to citizenship?

EDITOR, The Tribune

I always thought if my mother could show that she was born to a Bahamian, and I am her child, then there is zero dispute to my claim to Bahamian citizenship.

In a TV interview, the Minister responsible for citizenship says very strongly that this is now complicated - his words, as we are now required to show proof that the person’s grandmother is a Bahamian.

When has the laws been changed?

I am so tired of this mess at the Immigration Department. They seem to think that they are a law unto themselves and create law out of policy. Was not the Minister told by a Court judgment last year that laws run The Bahamas, not policy?

I think we need clarity from the Minister immediately, because this is beyond stupid.

A non-Bahamian friend of mine told me that recently he had to pay $200 plus $25 for the new Smart Card from Immigration, showing he is a Permanent Resident spouse. He paid that when he received Permanent Residency. Is it law if they pay twice?



August 3, 2016.


Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 1 month ago

The Haitian Ambassador to the Bahamas should be encouraging his own government back in Haiti to assist with the repatriation of all Haitians illegally residing in the Bahamas. If the Haitian Ambassador and his Haitian government want their people looked after and treated humanely, then they themselves should arrange for this to be done at their own cost. The Bahamian people have done more than enough over the past 40 or so years and it has cost us dearly. It is time for Haiti to step up to the plate and bear the cost of looking after its own people, including the costs of their repatriation. It is an absurdity for this Haitian Ambassador to suggest in any way that we are inhumane when it is the inhumane Haitian government that fails to look after its own people, and constantly seeks handouts from others, like Bahamians, that could never be enough in the eyes of the Haitian government. These illegal immigrants should be seen for who and what they are......a problem caused by Haiti, the costs of which should be borne by Haiti and not the Bahamas! The Haitian government or international human rights groups should be bearing the costs of making life less miserable for these illegal immigrants; it is not in our interest to do so from the stand point of deterrence. To make life easy for them at our cost only means many more will come to our shores illegally, and likely with the Haitian government encouraging them to do so. We need to be very mindful of the fact that our sovereignty and culture as Bahamians is a very fragile one, and our economy is equally fragile and under great stress as it is. We are also now experiencing the effects of over-population given our very limited land area. We must resist caving to accusations from the Haitian government and human rights groups that Bahamians are an inhumane people when such persons, especially the human rights activists, are not willing themselves to bear the true costs of this vexing problem. We Bahamians have done all that can be reasonably expected of us over the last 40 plus years and are our economy is now financially crippled. It high time others started doing their part....starting with the Haitian government and the international human rights groups which have for years unfairly and unjustifiably blamed Bahamians for the plight of the Haitians illegally residing in our country!

Sickened 8 years, 1 month ago

Absolutely right! Illegal immigrants should be housed in decent barracks until their Government repatriates them. Show the world that it is the home country of the illegal immigrants that are neglecting their own people.

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