Time for a change

EDITOR, The Tribune.

There were comments recently made by Obie Wilchcombe to let all and sundry know that it is useless to challenge Perry Christie for the leadership post in the Progressive Liberal Party in a convention. His reasons are that he has the support of the delegates and is able to hold the party together. It is quite unfortunate that those are the criterion that will be used by the delegates to make a choice of party leader.

Are these delegates Bahamians who live in The Bahamas? Have they not been able to see the destructive effects of what the past four years under ‘Perry’ has done to the morality, economy and sovereignty of this nation? Are they not able to see the hopelessness and despair on the faces of the Bahamian people? Do they not see 5000 high school students graduating every year with no prospects of a sensible future? Do they not see the uncontrollable murder rates and the deal making that benefits foreigners more than Bahamians?

To deliberately make a choice to choose a “likeable” but incapable leader who is visionless, clueless and indifferent to the needs of the modern Bahamas borders on treason, in my opinion.

This nation will not survive another four years of ‘Perry’. The delegates have the power to change that. The Bahamian people have the power to change that.

Perry Christie has been a member of Parliament for the past 40 years and Prime Minister for a total of nine years. His tangible benefits to his constituents and the Bahamian people are virtually non-existent.

He (and those close to him) alone have benefitted from him having been given the opportunity to “serve” the Bahamian people.

Considering the current state of politics in this country I can only say “may God help us all”.



August 12, 2016.


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