Support Sears

EDITOR, The Tribune.

To the PLP Delegates:

Shake, rattle and roll, the signature dance move of Perry Gladstone Christie. Is that what it takes for you to hold on to a man for three terms, why the country you live in makes no significant improvements?

Ok yes he appointed you and you showed your support by being behind him for all those years. Ask yourselves what would change for the country with him as leader for a next term in office? Don’t you have children and grandchildren, and that you should care for their future?

You now have a man that has demonstrated his abilities to get things done. A man of integrity and values, a man whom you know you can trust, a worker for the people, with vision and yes guts, a man in Alfred Sears, a PLP, you all know him quite well. The Bahamas knows him quite well. Is it not time to head in a new dynamic direction?

Are you of the belief of Hubert Alexander ingraham, that only he and Perry Christie can lead this country?

Wake up PLP delegates, the dance is over, you have paid your dues to the dance, you have not reaped anything significant for the future of The Bahamas from the dance. Let’s put an end to all the dancing we see around town and put someone who can allow us as Bahamians to flourish with new growth and leadership.

Let’s make The Bahamas the smallest, most beautiful country in the world again. We have been given someone you all know can help us accomplish this.

Don’t push him on the side, he has the GUTS as is said earlier to stand up to what he sees is needed, unlike the others standing on the side knowing full well all is not right.

Reward him for doing the right thing and not waiting on the sidelines for pieces to fall off the table.

You have the country in your hands, be strong, do what is right, elect Alfred Sears as your leader to carry you into the next general election. What is left for Perry Christie to promise going into the next election to sway the voters. There are plenty broken promises still on the table, people are hurting, there is plenty of talk around town of the failures of the PLP and in your own hearts you know it.

Wake up and be true to yourselves about reality of what is needed. Can anyone of you honestly say Alfred Sears doesn’t deserve the chance or doesn’t have the ability to get it right. I know you all agree, give the man the chance, Perry Christie has had three chances already and the results...you know the answer in your own hearts.

Let’s look at who this country needs: Alfred Sears.



August 25, 2016.


Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years ago

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