More fogging to stop Zika

EDITOR, The Tribune.

ZIKA - is the Ministry of Health, the Minister serious?

I have observed and had it confirmed that there does not seem to be the required intensive vecting (spraying) being carried out.

ZNS News reports of the lack of vehicles on Eleuthera, had three down to one.

The Minister of Tourism seemingly is worried about the rest of the Caribbean whilst The Bahamas gets more and more infections.

Surely the Ministry of Health should be fogging household-household as you see what the authorities are doing in Miami and now Singapore. Are we different to everywhere else?

Eight confirmed cases - 83+ suspected with unfortunately some being pregnant women.

We know the original case resided in Pinewood - we know subsequent cases resided in Carmichael - if interviews were made with these people you could identify where these people moved around over the past four-five days prior to feeling sick ... immediately fog those areas...

Ministry of Education what are you doing - what are the private schools doing to ensure around the schools vector control has been active?

Surely everyone should be encouraged to cut tall grass and vegetation?

Actually has anyone in recent days seen the Hon Minister of Health?

Surely he is not on vacation whilst Nassau gets bitten by dem mossies?



August 30, 2016.


Sickened 8 years ago

Uh, do we really have a minister of health? Hasn't Perry taken over that position as well??

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