Collapse of the FNM

EDITOR, The Tribune.

WHATEVER may be Dr Minnis’ success in remaining “leader” and technically expelling the Dissident Seven from FNM party membership, the fact is he has lost the big power game. It has become impossible for him to lead the FNM  successfully into the next general election.

Losing seven out of nine MPS cannot be corrected.

In the parliamentary political arena, there is no such thing as victory by higher morality or having the wiser policies.

The only thing that counts for  a political leader is retaining control of his troops. In this Dr Minnis has signally failed. The biggest error for a leader is to be unaware of the quiet manoeuvrers within his own party. Dr Minnis has admitted that he was “blindsided”. This alone should disqualify him.

Reading English parliamentary history, one finds innumerable examples where “right or wrong” was irrelevant, and the aspirant who split his backers could not survive.

Dame Marguerite will have a difficult decision in responding to the letter from the Seven. Whatever she decides, Dr Minnis’ appeal to voters will fade.



December 8, 2016.


Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 9 months ago

No one disputes that LBT is a big politician with a big loud mouth, but these qualities alone do not make her suitable for any kind of effective leadership role in Bahamian politics today or tomorrow. LBT's innate political instincts are insufficient in relation to her over-sized ego and grandiose sense of entitlement to one day sit on the high throne of Bahamian politics. But she deserves no coronation by Bahamian voters given that she is clearly unable and/or unwilling to achieve anything substantial in the political arena by well thought out reasoning combined with shear power of political persuasion and popular appeal. Time and time again we have seen her resort to instigating disruption in an effort to compensate for her intellectual limitations and unstable emotions. The last thing we need now is a political leader who is much more similar to Minnis than she would like to think, especially when it comes to holding grudges, having way too many axes to grind and possessing great fondness for the more destructive skullduggery aspects of yesterday's style of politics. Neither Minnis nor LBT are the answer to the hopes and aspirations of the Bahamian people for a better tomorrow. LBT must therefore be knocked off of her fleeting momentary high perch to join Minnis in the rubble of failed politicians with no political future.

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