The Wisdom of Solomon

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Excluding the Lord Jesus Christ, the biblical King Solomon is considered to be the wisest man who ever lived.

Solomon once faced the daunting task of determining which of two prostitutes was the true mother of a child that both claimed to be the mother of.

Solomon was able to determine the true mother by identifying the one who had genuine concern for the welfare of the child. The false mother showed no such concern and exposed her illegitimate claim to the child when she uttered these heartless words to the true mother: “He shall be neither mine nor yours; divide him.” Thus Solomon gave the child to its true mother, and the false mother walked away empty handed.

Today, we don’t fight over children like the two prostitutes in Solomon’s day. But we fight over many other things, like who should pastor churches and who should lead political parties. And that enduring principle that flowed from Solomon’s wise judgment is still helpful to us in rendering just decisions in these matters. We can call it Solomon’s Rule: Those with legitimate claims demonstrate genuine concern for that which the dispute is over, whether a church or a political party or something else, and will do what they can to protect it; on the other hand, those with illegitimate claims will forcefully take what does not belong to them and are even willing to destroy it in the process.

May Solomon’s Rule guide us all as we are faced with judging disputes between competing sides, both now and in the future.



December 10, 2016.


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