Time for Doc to go

EDITOR, The Tribune.

We have to ask - when Renward Wells and Andre Rollins crossed the floor of the House Dr Hubert Minnis embraced them as heroes in fact truth be told Wells and Rollins saved Doc as then his leadership was already being challenged.

It is frightening that a person in the position of such an elected Office and subsequently a Constitutional Office seems not to be aware of the most fundamental processes and suggests what the seven did was contrary to tradition – sorry, Doc, this has absolutely nothing to with tradition it is Law and the Constitution.

If the writers of the FNM Party Constitution eroded in the drafting then it is their fault and the subsequent fault of the inheritors and the current Council and their legal people.

The FNM have a gaggle of QCs who should know better.

The action post the seven’s letter of the FNM is totally laughable if you refer to their Constitution - they could expel (if they do then Doc has no chance in hell to be the leader of the Opposition as he needs to have the majority support of the MPs) - they could put them in the corner and don’t allow them to attend Council Meetings or remove them as candidates (only Hon Loretta Butler is a candidate all the six others Doc rejected them because of their stance at the Convention).

Surveys indicate, for what they are worth, that Doc is unpopular - Parties go into elections with the intent of winning - easy decision ... Doc resign as Party Leader.



December 11, 2016.


Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 9 months ago

WOW! All it took was a Senate seat to get Bran to turn over the DNA to LBT thereby abandoning and betraying all longtime supporters of that political party. Next will come a most interesting re-shuffling of the DNA's leadership apparatus along with changes to its slate of candidates for the next general election. It seems Bran was always about Bran and Bran alone as many of us suspected, explaining why his party was never able to secure a seat in the HOA. The implosion of the FNM now seems to have led to the implosion of the DNA, leaving only the PLP standing.

Crooked Christie's enrichment of the Dimwitted Doc's pocketbook has bought Christie much more than he (or his "fooking" Red China friends) could have ever expected or dreamed. Yes, it certainly looks like Red China has decided and made it possible (by dishing out the cash) for Crooked Christie to have another five-year term. And to think the Obama-led U.S. government is worried about the Russians having interfered with the recent U.S. elections! What a joke!!

By the way, who in their right mind would now cast their vote for Lloyd or the constantly yapping white-haired little poodle?!

Economist 7 years, 9 months ago

No he did not turn over the DNA at all. He agreed that the DNA would work with LBT to beat the PLP.

In many countries there is cooperation between opposition parties.

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 9 months ago

Tell that to the longtime DNA inside supporters who are about to see the dissident 7 from the FNM step in line ahead of them with Bran's backing.

sheeprunner12 7 years, 9 months ago

Minnis needs to take time out and reflect on his role in such a pivotal position as leader of the second most important political organization in lieu of the impending election ........ he should really put the question of his viability to every card-carrying FNM member in all 38 constituencies (not the 410gang) ................. What percent of the FNM supports LBT+6????

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