Minnis has self destructed

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Today in the House of Assembly, the Speaker read into the record of the House the communique from the Governor General, confirming that the MP for Long Island, Loretta Butler-Turner is the first Leader of the Opposition in the history of the Bahamas.

This follows a category 5 stormy week for the FNM with the shocking news on Wednesday of the lack of confidence in Minnis by the now infamous dissident seven.

Butler-Turner responded about her enthusiasm about ascending to the high office and welcomed the responsibility, but nothing could prepare the Bahamas for the reaction by former leader Minnis. He referred to the dissidents distastefully as cancer and a tumour.

Butler-Turner responded that a cancer can either be malignant or benign, but that the new group of MPs that supported her is a cancer that is malignant because it is going to grow.

The analogy by Minnis, describing Butler-Turner and her colleagues in that way was a great example just how insensitive Minnis really is. Imagine a doctor referring to his erstwhile friends like that. He also “spit in the face” of the many Bahamians who are now experiencing cancer in many forms. He also poked fun at the many families who have lost loved ones to cancer.

Insensitivity cannot be a trait for the leader or anyone who can imagine to be leader of a country. How far we have come to be able to publicly make fun of people’s misfortunes.

Perry Christie would never be this insensitive, he is more humane in how he deals with people. His heart is warm and therefore sometimes he is too forgiving. He cares for and about people. He is a proponent of second chance. That’s commendable.

I, therefore, call on Minnis to publicly apologise to the cancer patients, survivors, family and care givers about his cold, callous and insensitive remarks.

Now since the die has been cast, why don’t we find a way to rid ourselves of all who serve in public life who may be suffering from a superiority complex.

I had a tumour, the size of a grapefruit removed from my brain. I know first hand the mental, physical and psychological trauma I experienced. That was nothing to joke about or play with. It is simply not funny.

Cancer can happen to anyone, any profession, race, gender, MP, spouse, family and friends. It does not ask who you are before it strikes. Catch yourself. Today for me, tomorrow for you.



December 12, 2016


Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 9 months ago

Rumours are running rampant that Bran has promised LBT she can run under the DNA banner in the Montagu constituency if she senses Long Islanders will not give her the support she believes she deserves and that this apparent fact has greatly offended and incensed the constantly yapping little white-haired poodle who has very foolishly and prematurely proclaimed his undying loyalty to the Dimwitted Doc Minnis.

Alex_Charles 7 years, 9 months ago

Minnis should apologize for making those statements.

"Insensitivity cannot be a trait for the leader or anyone who can imagine to be leader of a country."

Do you follow international news or know much about world history? Putin, Trump, Duterte, Mugabe, Erdogan, Roussef, Jingping... I haven't even touched the European leaders who had their episodes over the migrant crisis or even half of the 20th century. what you should say is that insensitivity SHOULD NOT be a trait for the leader.

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 9 months ago

This dimwitted greedy tyrant and the few who choose to cling to the party he has hijacked are going nowhere. His political wings have been clipped but good....he will now flounder around on the ground for a while making more noise than a squawking albatross suffering from excruciating labour pains, but thankfully he will never fly again over our country's political landscape!

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