THE BIG QUESTION: What next for the FNM?

Dr Hubert Minnis and Loretta Butler-Turner.

Dr Hubert Minnis and Loretta Butler-Turner.

With the Opposition in turmoil over the split between the “rebel seven” and FNM leader Dr Hubert Minnis, what do you think lies ahead for the party?

Leave your answers in the comments section below . . .


sheeprunner12 7 years, 10 months ago

The FNM has shed the deadweight and now will sprout new shoots .......... they have a fine cadre of candidates who can form a competent Cabinet ........ Minnis must LEAD now, no more ducking and backseat driving ........ He has 3 MPs now, they must raise HELL now!!!!

Reality_Check 7 years, 10 months ago

Lucifer stands a better chance of achieving Sainthood than the Dimwitted Doc does of ever becoming PM of the Bahamas!

theplpsucks 7 years, 10 months ago

we already have lucifer which is perry try again

theplpsucks 7 years, 10 months ago

time for them to hit the ground with the candidates and talk to the people

sheeprunner12 7 years, 10 months ago

Agreed ......... the FNM has a far superior slate to anything the PLP can put out there right now (the lousy incumbent MPs)

banker 7 years, 10 months ago

Minnis will stay the course, excise the bad apples, and get ride of the quitters and naysayers. He has an excellent chance of winning the election, in spite of the market noise that said the spoiled, flatuent, crime-against-nature gussiemae with a cake hole that is full of hot air and the smell of grease, handed the election to the PLP. Not true. Everyone, even the dimwits know that Perry Crisco Butt has destroyed the essence of the Bahamas.

Yes, Doc has not been the ablest of politicians. We don't need politicians. We need a consensus leadership with technocrats and it seems that the candidates that Minnis has ratified are just that. The candidates have real plans and concepts to put the Bahamas back on track.

LGBT thinks that her sharp tongue and conniving is the sign of a keen mind. It is a vacuous mind. Her and Bran are an ideal pair of lightweights in the policy and intellect departments. I am not insulting LBT, I am describing her.

The FNM will survive this. It is testament to their democratic process. If she was a member of the PLP, they would have sicced Mad Brad on her long ago, and her word hole would have been shut down and she couldn't ride a bike for a week.

sheeprunner12 7 years, 10 months ago

Many are quick to denigrate HAM on his handling of this coup ....... but his reaction has really gain the respect of many objective-minded persons ....... out with the "rebels" and in with the "new FNM"

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 9 months ago

Yes, unfortunately we know there will always be a few diehard desperadoes clinging to their fond memories of the FNM party as it once was, but like the UBP of yesterday the natural order of things for a political party without a purpose or significant following is to simply DIE. That said, R.I.P. FNM & Minnis!

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 10 months ago

Praise God Duane Sands catch sense and stick with Minnis. I suspect more people will abandon Loretta . She may be forced to dance her way back into the party

Alex_Charles 7 years, 10 months ago

I should state my allegiances first. I care not for the FNM/PLP/DNA/whatever party. I only care about smart policies and good ideas that can fix the country.

I fear Minnis may not have effective plans or strategies to deal with the problems that now plague this country. He hasn't shown himself to be effective as opposition so I hope his candidates and advisors have non-moronic positions on issues. The Budget needs a cut, the deficit needs to go down (lots of austerity measures), the cost of electricity needs to be brought down, the dump needs resolving, BOB is a failure, NIB needs some restructuring, WTF is BAMSI, China now holds a major stake in our economy etc.

I'm simply too skeptical, especially after Minnis ducked a debate with LBT before that failure of a convention to have a rally. Rally politics needs to die and we need to move towards a platform of debates where policies and plans can be thoroughly evaluated by the public. Gone should be the days of Rum, $20 and a T-shirt. If Minnis fails to capitalize on the demand for change, if he continues to fail to get people to register to vote, and if opposition 'groupings' fail to unite into a coalition, which I suspect they will fail, then the FNM is heading straight for oblivion along with the entire country in the long haul.

What makes it sad is that the FNM for this entire administration had perhaps the worst government ever to oppose, which in theory shouldn't be difficult considering how shit the PLP has performed. Hopefully, something changes but it would be no surprise if just like the bobo and Toogie saga if the FNM snatches defeat out of the jaws of victory.

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 10 months ago

True. The questions are whether Minnis is bad on his feet or if he's just bad and how badly do people want to get rid of the PLP? The only gamble I'm willing to take is that Loretta will not gain the traction she anticipated. Not because people like the FNM or dislike a DNA coalition, it's because people don't like how she did what she did. If she hadn't lost democratically to Dr Minnis on a vote she forced just weeks ago, the outlook might be different.

Alex_Charles 7 years, 9 months ago

I hope his plan isn't to win by default as people don't want the PLP. Hillary tried that tactic and lost the electoral college.

He has to get his platform out there and get more people to register. The current low register count is because no one has confidence in either side of the fence. I'm more inclined to spoil my ballot if I don't see plans being discussed.

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 9 months ago

Minnis is bad in the head as Bahamians say. That's all you need to know my friend.

BahamaPundit 7 years, 10 months ago

The biggest problem I have with Minnis is that I don't know Minnis, eventhough I've seen him often. Everything he says does not ring true; it does not feel like his words or his voice. It seems like just air. Who is the real Minnis? If I voted for him, it would be like playing Russian Roulette. His demeanor speaks of someone who is the opposite of transparent. He is closed as a nut.

banker 7 years, 10 months ago

The FNM is hatching some majorly good plans for the country. Minnis himself is a bit uninspired, but his team isn't. Watch & wait. What he is, is a decent person. Look how he handled himself with grace & dignity in the face of the feces thrown at him by the despicable Loretta Blubber-Butt Turner. (Again, not insulting her, but just describing her.)

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 9 months ago

Oh boy! You're beginning to sound like you're letting all of this get the better of you. Calm down and think straight. Your options at the end of the day will thankfully not be limited to a choice between the three evils...Christie, Minnis & LBT. There are good things taking place that I wish many of you in an apparent state of despair could be made aware of at this time.

TalRussell 7 years, 9 months ago

Comrades! What say Loretta and Bran that they reveal how many months/years these two have been secret negotiations behind the backs Minnis and every other red shirt? We now know enough to know the nation must be told the all about these two's aspirations for leadership...even during the July 2016 period when Loretta was running for the red party's leadership whole at same time in secret talks with the green party's leader Bran . What did Dr. Duane know and when did he know it...like when he accepted his senate appointment from Minnis - did he reveal all he knew about Loretta and Bran's talks, to Minnis and if not, why not?
As importantly, did Loretta inform her core of supporters from Long Island who were photographed alongside her at the party's July 2016 convention that she was secretly meeting with Bran...and it not, why not?
Was the Governor General and The House Speak, so informed that Loretta had been and was in talks with the green party's leader...if not, why not?
Also, how many of the other Coup's MP's knew about Loretta's and Bran's secret meeting....mainly Marsh Harbour's Edison Key?
Also, was Brent Symonette included in the Loretta's and Bran's right to know loop?

The_Oracle 7 years, 9 months ago

A Minister once asked me where I sit in church. I told him around the middle. He said you are one who needs to feel the spirit. Explaining, he said those who sit up front must see what is going on, those who sit in back need to see if it is thought to be a good thing by those present. We need more sensible people from the middle to get involved and contribute. We are too accustomed to griping and decrying but never lifting a finger to fix it. If every politician has promised the earth and failed to deliver, it is time for new faces, new blood. Same promises, but maybe he will deliver. We know the others did not. I will say that Minnis is reaching out to people not usually found rushing in for self service. That alone is a good thing.

banker 7 years, 9 months ago

If I ever go to church, I sit in the very back, in case there is a god. If there is, he would smite the preachers, priests, bishops, apostles, robe-wearers, and psalm-singing donkeys, and I wouldn't want to be collateral damage from the smiting, lightening and fire and brimstone etc etc.

Economist 7 years, 9 months ago

LBT may not be the right one but she is better than Minnis. The party needs a smart young (40ish) leader. Someone who the young can identify with and who the old feel that there is hope that the country will now do better.

There are way to many old politicians who just won't let go of the party. They want to keep it "their way" and are destroying it in the process.

They like Minnis because he doesn't rock the boat.

Minnis has done nothing in 4 years so why should I expect him to do anything if he becomes PM? I don't. So why vote for a do nothing?

licks2 7 years, 9 months ago

As usual. . .yoon making much sense. . .LBT joining forces with Key to "get" doc for allowing the Abaco Con. Association looking for "young blood. . .young blood [sic] . . .after he told the whole nation that he will not run again!! Look right into the seven. . .three under 60 it seem. . .who damn mad because they can't run again cos they too ole. . .the torch bearers say they "rocing" with doc!! So the FNM only get old people in the council aye? Like I say. . .YOON MAKING NO DAMN SENSE!

Alex_Charles 7 years, 9 months ago

I'll agree with you on the Minnis being bad part. There is a strong consensus on that.

sheeprunner12 7 years, 9 months ago

I would personally like to see a Lloyd-Roomie leadership team leading the FNM .......... but the party may be stuck with the Minnis-Turnquest tandem going into the 2017 election .......... so be it

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