Note of appreciation

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I HAVEN’T seen in my media coverage a note of thanks to Perry Christie and/or Allyson Maynard for pursuing and securing Bahamian employee/creditor full relief from Baha Mar.

Relief that may further extend to foreign creditors, one of whom, believe it or not, also owes us money.

Bahamian former employees and creditors of Baha Mar may have felt entitled, but if a chapter 11 were to get them anything, it would be crumbs,  and they’d still be waiting.



December 15, 2016.


birdiestrachan 7 years, 9 months ago

Most did not really want Baha Mar to go forward, So they are upset to see progress.

hallmark 7 years, 9 months ago

The Bahamian people will give him a big thank you once the secret agreement has been unsealed and the they see what concessions were granted.

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