Andre Chappelle loses battle with cancer


Andre Chapelle with his wife, Kim.

ANDRE Chappelle, who saved himself from a life on the streets and reformed to help others beat their demons, died at home from cancer at the weekend.

Mr Chappelle, who grew up behind the gates of exclusive Lyford Cay, lost both parents at a young age. He enjoyed a private school education but became hooked on drugs and alcohol and when he could no longer afford to support his habit legally, resorted to whatever it took to get what he needed, always stopping short of harming anyone.

From the time he decided to become clean, Mr Chappelle dedicated himself to helping others. He headed programmes at Teen Challenge, was recruited by the Royal Bahamas Police Force and the Ministry of Education to assist with conflict resolution and anger management sessions. He also counselled individuals and led group sessions, including becoming the director of The Family: People Helping People, a clinic started by Dr David Allen on Blue Hill Road for those who could not afford his private practice services.

Mr Chappelle was the creator and promotor of a prisoners’ art show that won rave reviews, a project he said uncovered incredible talent behind bars that would give those serving time a purpose just as he had found his purpose. He was also the spokesperson for the anti-drug campaign run by the Ministry of National Security’s National Drug Secretariat.

Mr Chappelle died with his wife and soulmate, Kim, at his side.


bahamian242 7 years, 9 months ago

A Bunch of Lies! You did not know HIM!!!

bahamian242 7 years, 9 months ago

And I dont care if you remove this POST!!

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