If Minnis wants to expel MPs, he must expel their voters

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Re: Dr. Minnis’ legitimacy.

Again today (Saturday) The Nassau Guardian presented in its editorial a most convincing case as to why Dr Minnis should now go quietly into the sunset. The Tribune on several occasions has also made the very same case and many of its readers have written in with the same conviction.

Dr Minnis has now “valiantly” stated that he (the FNM party) will now expel the Members of Parliament who have declared “no confidence” in his leadership. When he expels them, he should also stand ready to expel all of the people who elected them.

Even if we were to leave out East Grand Bahama and Killarney, and I do not believe that those Members continue to enjoy the same support anymore, it would still be a huge number of FNM electors that Dr. Minnis is duty bound to expel with their MPs.

Central & South Abaco 1,490

Central Grand Bahama 2,505

East Grand Bahama 2,239

Killarney 2,434

Long Island 979

Montagu 2,227

North Abaco 2,235

North Eleuthera 1,787

St Anne’s 2,348

Total 18,247

And this is only the Members who prevailed at the time. There are many thousands more who voted FNM, who very likely do not support Dr Minnis and have been crying out for months now for him to go. To continue to hold on to the Party Leadership based on a CABAL of some 400 stalwart counsellors, amid very dubious circumstances at best, is a total mockery. As Central and South Abaco recently asked “who can put me out of the FNM?” It can only be the 1,490 FNM supporters who voted for him.

As everyone in this country opposed to the PLP keep saying, the important thing is to come together and oppose them. There is no benefit to any Bahamian to have Dr Minnis being the leader of the FNM and the PLP being returned to power by mid next year. It is doubtful even now that Dr Minnis would be re-elected in Killarney. He knows full well that none of his constituents will support him financially, so please Dr Minnis. Take off the dark shades, and see the light of day.

As my late mother used to ask “why do you think that you are the only one in step and the other thousand soldiers are out of step”.



December 17, 2016.


banker 7 years, 9 months ago

Specious argument. They not only voted for the person, they voted for the party. In the Westminster system, party takes priority.

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