What does that poll really show?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Poll in favor of FNM and Dr Minnis

I AGREE with your writer S Hutchinson’s opinion . It is so simple to design a poll where you can plan what the results are if you use the system the pollster the FNM contracted to use.

The Poll people said they used a random dialing system to make the calls - so I picked the 327 and 324 pre-fix numbers and completed 200 calls in each district - 327 is out west Killarney, FNM and 324 is east Montagu-St Anne’s, both FNM.

The chances that you will get a very favourable response to the FNM and the then leader pre-Black Wednesday is exceptionally very high.

Mr Hutchinson is very right the Poll was taken before Black Wednesday when Ms Butler Turner dropped it on Dr Minnis.

I also suggest this has really killed-muted any possible chance for the PLP Leader outsider - Alfred Sears.



December 15, 2016.


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