Why these choices?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I suspect virtually all the country has been asking Why Ms Butler - why?

Ms Butler’s message after the announcement was that these nominations brought something to the table and brought diversity.

I believe you, Ms Butler has lost an enormous political opportunity and you are now measured and measured horribly negatively and worse Bran McCartney and the DNA have been pulled into the quagmire.

Surely on your cell directory you had one better candidate than Mr Moncur?

No one else would volunteer to be a Senator for four-six months?

His record on Woman’s Rights clashes 1000% with yours - he encouraged voters not to get registered - his sole platform is for Capital Punishment which I believe Ms Butler does not support - where is the commonality?

I just might join Mr Moncur with this decision as what we see is an ineffectual FNM with zero leadership and now the break-away “mighty seven” seem to be not mighty anymore and the DNA has gotten themselves into a mess.

I am becoming more and more suspicious this is all by design and one Rt Hon Hubert Alexander Ingraham will appear soon riding on the proverbial “white horse” and take the government with the largest landslide The Bahamas has ever seen.

No one can deny he is a leader!

I could see the reasoning to nominate McCartney - Gomez okay but stop there... the rest don’t make any sense.



December 20, 2016.


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