FNM dare not talk about corruption

EDITOR, The Tribune.

There has been many criticisms about the PLP, and I must confess that I relentlessly launched many scud missiles myself. I helped to point out where some of the shortcomings were and hoped that adjustments were made.

I meticulously made points that would cause anyone to take stock of themselves and correct the problem.

The FNM, by the same token, have had many incidences where their practices were not above board either.

Therefore I am led to this point, unless the hypocritical FNM cannot completely prove that they are different, then there should be a HUSH all over The Bahamas.

The hypocrisy is simply this, there were incidences where many question marks were left about the misuse of funds and the conflict of interesting and the awarding of contracts to “friends family and lovers” in the FNM.

Many well-organised contracts were given, just like anyone else and power.

The PLP looked after its supporters and the FNM looked after their supporters. Multimillion dollar contracts were give by the FNM to closely connected FNM and the same with the PLP and rightly so.

So let us stop the hypocrisy. I know where the bodies are buried. We need to now look to the future with a renewed vigour and vitality as it relates to including more of the local Bahamians who have no “entitled family name”.

We need to stop throwing stones because all of our glass homes would be smashed to smithereens. None of us are exempted from using the power and clout in politics to gain an advantage.

From now on, I am all for country, whatever is done will definitely be for country. So join me in combining all of our efforts to working tirelessly for this our only loved Bahamaland.


Laser Focused!


December 21, 2016


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